Healthy aroma of eucalyptus oil

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1 year ago

Behind its refreshing aroma, there are many health benefits of eucalyptus oil. The oil which is often used as a body warmer is also often known as cajuput oil by Javanese people.

Eucalyptus oil is result of collecting steam from fresh leaves and twigs of eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus oil contains chemicals called cineole, linalool, and terpineol, which give a warm sensation when applied to the skin.

If you use eucalyptus oil in right way, this oil can be a warm friend and reduce discomfort when the body feels unwell. In addition, there are many benefits of eucalyptus oil that you can get.

Pure eucalyptus oil can be used as a remedy for headaches and nasal congestion. To get these benefits, use eucalyptus oil as aromatherapy by pouring a few drops into a diffuser or inhaling the aroma directly.

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In addition to eucalyptus oil, nasal congestion can also be relieved using a balm containing nutritious ingredients, such as camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol.

Method is quite easy to do. You just need to mix two teaspoons of balm in a small bowl of hot water. Next, bring your face close to the container and inhale the steam. You can also rub balm on your chest and back to ease breathing.

Eucalyptus oil has good antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. So, this oil is thought to be useful for protecting small and deep wounds from infection so that it can accelerate wound healing.

Applying enough eucalyptus oil on surface of skin is still relatively safe. However, it is not recommended to apply it on skin that has an open wound. In some people, use of eucalyptus oil can cause side effects.

Some people may experience allergic skin reactions when exposed to eucalyptus oil. Therefore, at the beginning of use, you should apply a small amount first. Wait a few moments and see reaction that appears. If skin is red, irritated, and itchy, stop using eucalyptus oil.

Inhaling pure eucalyptus oil without any mixed ingredients risks causing respiratory problems or even asthma attacks, because aroma of this oil is very strong. Therefore, avoid inhaling pure eucalyptus oil directly from bottle, especially for pregnant women and children.

Eucalyptus oil has become an alternative medicine that is preferred by almost all Indonesian families. However, be careful about the side effects that this oil can cause.

You are also not advised to use eucalyptus oil in ways other than recommended use of this product, although many people have done so. If you have certain medical conditions, first ask your doctor about how to use eucalyptus oil that is safe for your condition.

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1 year ago


I don't really know about this oil before but I already knew it importance and speciality just like your article prescribes

Thanks for the great piece!.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I have a mix of oils that I use from time to time and it does have eucalyptus in it. Wonderful smelling. It is relaxing indeed.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

It's my first time heard about the "Eucalyptus oil". It's really interesting. A lot of benefits. Yes my friend agree consult doctor first for the safety and also it can be sure. Thank you for sharing this friend.

$ 0.02
1 year ago