Growing a beard is an option for men, how about you?

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1 year ago

Trend of men who lengthen their beards to look cooler and masculine is still going on today. In fact, there are beard lengthening products that are currently selling well because many people want to lengthen their beards to make them look cooler. Unfortunately, there is an assumption from some people who say that a long beard is synonymous with a lot of germs. Luckily, a study actually says opposite where men with beards are actually healthier.

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This is because beard is able to protect face from bacteria that will enter through nose or mouth. Shaving off the beard with a razor has potential to irritate skin around beard growth area. So that bacteria will more easily attack your facial skin.

However, not all men have beards because beard growth depends on genetic hormone levels or heredity in men, men who have a bearded father will have a greater chance of having a beard. But, for men who do not have the genetic hormone beard also still has potential to be able to have a beard. Because level of nutrients in body is also very influential on growth of beard.

I've discussed benefits of growing a beard you can see here growing a beard is a trend that has many benefits

Not all men have thick beards and some do not grow beards at all. However, don't despair, there are many tips on how to grow a beard naturally. Time of beard growth depends on each man's hormones. Some can grow a beard in one week. However, there are also those that grow for months.

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If you are looking for a fast way to grow naturally. So in my opinion there are only two that have been proven. First is to use hazelnut oil and second option is to use shrimp eggs. Method is also very easy, just apply hazelnut oil extract to parts where you want to grow beard.

However, you should always take care of your beard to keep it neat and clean. Beards that are left to grow without treatment will branch off at ends. Therefore, you should trim your beard by shaving it at tip of beard or beard, it will be neater.

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Like hair of head, beard also needs to be cleaned. You can clean your beard with soap or shampoo. Pay attention to beard or beard after eating. Sometimes leftovers we eat are left in beard. Therefore, pay attention and clean your beard or beard after eating.

So, how about you guys? More likely to grow a beard or prefer not to be beard?

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1 year ago


Ora lah, rambut ngisor bae sg di ingu, sewektu" gombrang , men ora kelandungen. Wkwkwk

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Ya keri nek lagi nganu pak, hahaha

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1 year ago