Don't be afraid to take your child to beach

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2 years ago
Topics: Vacation, Holiday, Beach

Beach is a tourist place that many people's favorite when on vacation. Beautiful scenery, with a blend of breezy winds and exciting waves, is reason many people choose a vacation to beach.

Moreover, when sun rises or sets, beach is one of places that is often a favorite. Basically, beach is a perfect vacation spot for both children and parents.

My wife always takes care of my daughter

But often, parents worry about taking their children on vacation to beach. Wherever you go on vacation, if you bring your child, it will definitely be more complicated than traveling with a partner or with other family members, including a vacation to beach with children.

You will be more worried if your child is very active. For parents, sometimes they are often confused about what to prepare if they want to take their children on vacation to beach.

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At least, you have to pay attention to the right time to take your child to beach. Make sure sun is not too hot. For example in the morning before 10 o'clock, or it could be more relaxed around 4 pm until sunset.

Then what should be prepared to be more comfortable and safe when taking your children on vacation to beach? I'll try to give you some advice and I hope it's useful.

  • Bring food and drink from home

When visiting beach, air temperature will be drier and hotter than other tourist attractions. Especially if your child is type of child who is active, likes to play and run around. Bring a large supply of drinking water. Also bring healthy snacks such as fruit that is rich in nutrients and also water content such as watermelon, mango, and also oranges.

Bring snacks from home

Children are easily dehydrated when long sunbathing on beach. Therefore, bring cold mineral water in a refillable bottle. In addition, bring some of your healthy snacks from home, because in beaches rarely sell healthy snacks for children.

  • Wear long clothes

It's good when you go to beach, don't let your child wear clothes that are too short and open. This is to protect your child from being too exposed to sunlight, and to keep your child from being easily exposed to things that have potential to cause irritation.

Wear long dress to protect sunlight
  • Come early

When going vacation with your child to beach, it's a good idea to come to beach as early as you can. If you too late, beach is usually more crowded and weather will be hotter. So that you can choose ideal place to spend time with your child, arrive early to avoid hotter weather and beach crowds.

We are come early and beach is still quiet
  • Put a gadget, camera, or anything else that can distract you from your child

When going to beach with your child, put all things that can distract you from your child. Don't let your attention slip away from him. Letting your child play on beach unsupervised is not a good idea. Beach waves can be dangerous. So, you should not be careless and keep an eye on your child's movements.

Always accompany my daughter

Those are some suggestions from me for those of you who will take your children for a vacation to beach, hopefully it can be useful and add to your insight. Thank you for reading to the end!

I include a video when we were on vacation to Menganti beach, a very beautiful beach.

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Avatar for qheer92
2 years ago
Topics: Vacation, Holiday, Beach


Hahaha im glad the tips is to bring food nd drink from home om, not fasting😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

To save expenses, usually price of snacks at tourist attractions will be more expensive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Always be active and keep your eyes open when you have children along with you in trips. Also did you bring your pet cat also to the beach. It's looking like a cute bodyguard.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, must be more careful

$ 0.00
2 years ago