Do you often experience? Feel very sleepy after eating

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2 years ago

After eating, then feeling very sleepy may be experienced by almost everyone. Although generally harmless, this phenomenon can sometimes interfere with activities and reduce your concentration. So, you should know cause of sleepiness after eating so that you can avoid it.

Drowsiness that appears after eating can be caused by many factors, including consumption of certain foods or drinks and lifestyle or habits that are often done. To prevent this condition that often interferes with daily life, you need to know the cause first.

Food and drinks you consume will be digested by stomach and intestines. During digestion, body releases certain hormones, such as serotonin and melatonin. Increase in both hormones can cause drowsiness after you eat.

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In addition to hormonal factors, changes in blood flow to brain that occur after eating are also often cited as cause of feeling sleepy after eating. After eating, more blood flow will be diverted to digestive tract so that body can process and absorb energy and nutrients from the food or drink consumed.

When this happens, blood flow to brain will be slightly reduced and cause you to yawn frequently and sleepy in order to meet oxygen needs of brain. This is normal and usually only lasts a short time.

Lack of sleep also plays a role in causing drowsiness after eating. When you don't get enough sleep, your body will feel tired and you will feel hungry easily. This can make you eat more or snack, so that drowsiness you feel will be more pronounced.

So, to prevent this, try to get enough sleep every night at least 7-9 hours, reduce or stop habit of staying up late, exercising regularly, and avoiding stress.

Exercise greatly affects strength and endurance of body, as well as the efficiency of the cardiovascular system. If you rarely exercise, the body will easily feel tired. This is also one of triggers for emergence of drowsiness after eating.

To be more fit, you can try to spend more time doing exercise, such as walking around the house, going up and down stairs, or yoga. Whatever choice of exercise, do it regularly and regularly for at least 15 minutes every day.

Although all foods are digested in same way, not all foods affect body in same way. Because there are several types of foods that actually make you more sleepy after eating them.

These types of foods generally contain high protein, such as eggs, spinach, tofu, cheese, soybeans, and fish which contain amino acid tryptophan. Amino acid tryptophan is used by body to produce serotonin, which plays a major role in drowsiness.

In general, feeling sleepy after eating is normal. If you experience it often, you may be able to change your diet and lead a healthier lifestyle.

However, if complaints of feeling sleepy after eating still often appear even though you have changed your diet or often exercise, especially if the complaints of drowsiness are felt so heavy that you find it difficult to move, try to consult a doctor to get appropriate medical procedures.

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2 years ago


Me my friend. I experience it sometimes I felt sleepy after eating but I controlled it because I don't want to sleep if I'm full.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nek aku bar mangan malah mules kang. Tapi yo nek hawa ne udan bar mangan pasti ngantukan hahaha.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha I always felt sleept everytime I am full. Like a snakne once satisfied of her prey😂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I wrote about this same topic a few days ago. I feel so sleepy whenever I eat breakfast. I made my research about it too. Also, I'll try to be getting enough sleep.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I've heard, whether it's true or not, if someone experiences something like the above, then that person is likely to get diabetes. lol

$ 0.01
2 years ago