Corn, a source of carbohydrates and minerals that have many benefits

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1 year ago
Topics: Food, Corn, Healthy
Boiled corn paired with may favorite black coffee.

Corn, a source of carbohydrates other than rice. Surely all of ReadCash's friends here have enjoyed corn. The most popular and very easy way to process corn is to simply boil it. Only boiled a few moments without additional seasoning, boiled corn already tastes sweet and will be very delicious when paired with a warm drink.

However, did you know that there are many benefits of boiled corn that we enjoy? In my country, corn is most popularly processed by boiling and is a food that is very popular with people of Indonesia. We used to enjoy boiled corn instead of rice because of its high carbohydrate content. Apart from being a source of carbohydrates, corn also has many minerals that have their respective benefits.

First benefit of boiled corn is that it can provide more energy. Carbohydrate content in boiled corn can provide energy for our body. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy. So do not be surprised if boiled corn is one of staple foods for healthy rice substitutes.

Added corn to chicken soup.

Next benefit of boiled corn is to improve eye health. Although this sounds strange, because we often know that corn is only a source of carbohydrates, in fact eating boiled corn can improve eye health. This is because boiled corn contains beta-carotene.

Content of beta carotene is efficacious in maintaining eye health. Because, beta-carotene is a compound that is able to support production of vitamin A. Meanwhile, as we know vitamin A is a type of vitamin that is good for eyes. Not only that, corn also contains pigment zeaxanthin which is believed to be good for our eyes.

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Not only is it able to nourish eyes very well, it turns out that benefits of boiled corn are also very good for pregnant women. Folic acid is a nutrient that can help growth and development of fetus. Folic acid is needed by fetus as a building block for cell system and nervous and spinal systems. So, if you want your fetus to be healthier, you can consume boiled corn as an additional food.

If fetus does not have a good folic acid content, it will usually experience problems. One of them is birth defects in babies. Not only for fetus, content of folic acid can also help pregnant women prevent anemia.

Furthermore, as a substitute for white rice, it turns out that many people who are on a diet choose boiled corn as their diet menu. Not only benefits of boiled corn are good for health of body, but boiled corn is also able to support weight loss of someone who is on a diet. Besides having a low calorie content, as well as high carbohydrates, corn is also rich in protein which is good for those of you who are on a diet.

Boiled corn in form of traditional snacks

By eating boiled corn, you will feel full for a long time. With a smooth metabolism, calories in body also burn well. Boiled corn produces short chain fatty acids to help prevent colon cancer, relieve constipation and belly fat.

Next benefit is to maintain body's immunity. Immunity or endurance is most important thing to maintain a healthy body. Stable immunity will make a person more immune to disease. Well, consuming boiled corn can be one way to keep immune system stable. This is because boiled corn contains vitamin C and protein, two compounds that play a role in boosting immunity.

There are many benefits of boiled corn. So, you can add corn to your snack menu or meal menu because there are many benefits that you get from eating corn.

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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Food, Corn, Healthy


Yeah very amazing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sometimes we substitute corn as our meal. Sometimes we pair it with boiled sweet potato :D

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Pas udan2 kui jane paling muantep iku mangan jagung rebus kang wkwkwk. Nek isuk pas ra sempet sarapan aku biasane tuku grontol nang bakul sayur.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Corn is Also most popular in my country by boiling as your country. But I have noticed that we eat coin in full winter season. But your country people eat corn in all seasons

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Boiled corn is my favorite.🤤 I love it so much my friend. Now I know it has a lot of benefits. It's good for the eyes. Thank you for sharing this my friend.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Corn is my favourite especially roasted in fire . It made best taste in chicken & sour soop. The essential minerals and fibers gives it strong nuturious value.

$ 0.01
1 year ago