Children's playground, is place for children's education

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2 years ago
Topics: Childhood, Fun, Play, Children
Accompanying children to play is fun.

Taking children to playground is a simple thing that can make parents comfortable and children will also feel happy. Parents will be comfortable going to park while looking for fresh air. Children also feel at home there, because there are many children-friendly playground equipment. Most important thing is not to be careless to supervise and avoid you being too busy with your cellphone. It's better to accompany your child when playing on playground.

Every child actually likes freedom. Because with that freedom, children satisfy their curiosity. This is indeed nature of children who have a very big curiosity. But when at home, of course, every parent has their own rules for each family member. For example, prohibiting children from playing with objects made of glass because they are easy to fall and break. Even though the child feels constrained, it is all for his good.

Fresh Playground in village.

By inviting children to play in park, children can satisfy their curiosity. Because usually park is a child-friendly place. There child can play what he likes, run here and there, touch various types of games and others.

Simple playgrounds are actually easy to find if we live in the countryside. Staying outside house there is already land and grass that stretches as a yard. Trees thrive around house and make atmosphere look cool and beautiful. This is one of advantages of where we live, in a village that still has lots of trees as a source of fresh oxygen.

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But when you live in a city, it's hard to find such an atmosphere. Open door, you can see a lot of other people's houses or super market buildings. Well, in a children's playground, everyone can find peace like in a village.

Getting to know nature can be started by letting children play on ground, touching plants, hearing the rush of river water, and so on. An atmosphere that is often sought after by city dwellers who every day only meet work and a less friendly environment.

In park, children can understand variety of plants, if allowed to take off their footwear and directly touch ground or grass, but you should still use footwear to protect soles of child's feet. Children will also enjoy holding rocks, sand or whatever is in there.

Parks are a medium for children to get to know nature. However, parents should really supervise children when playing. Children will find many new friends while in park. Children will be interested in getting closer, invite acquaintances, learn to empathize and socialize with their peers.

Don't stop your child from playing or trying to introduce yourself to friends their age. Instead we should be proud because our children grow up to be brave children.

When children play and run, children will be very active in moving. By moving a lot, child will become healthier. By walking on ground or grass, child will have much stronger muscle strength.

Besides being fun, playing in park turns out to have a variety of benefits which are certainly very good for growth and development of a child. Because they feel enthusiastic about things they like, a child will become more cheerful. This can be done as tips to keep children away from gadgets. Because when children are contaminated by gadget attacks, it will be very difficult to change the habit of playing gadgets. It is better to prevent your child from being exposed to gadget viruses too often. lol

For example, children are exposed to gadget viruses, in playground they still choose to play their gadgets. lol

When children are bored, usually parents will rush to find interesting videos on Youtube. This is what makes children addicted to gadgets, you should introduce them to offline games that are more educational because children's games with nature will be much more fun.

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2 years ago
Topics: Childhood, Fun, Play, Children


Children shall enjoy playing outside just like us when we were young. Playground and all the rides were what bonded us with our playmate and friends. Limit and guide them using gadgets.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Apik kang nggone. Anak mesti betah nek wis neng kono. Sing akeh mainane kui anak lupa karo hp ne. Sayange nggonanku koyok e gak sayang anak, dadi ra enek Playground khusus.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Some parents limit taking their children to playgrounds to when they are celebrating their birthday. Doing it often is really nice

$ 0.02
2 years ago


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2 years ago