Boiled papaya and cassava leave, this is one of my favorite dish

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2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Food

Benefits of papaya leaves and cassava leaves for health are well known. Moreover, as fresh vegetables, both types of leaves are equally delicious. Both types of fresh vegetables come from plants that have great benefits. Cassava tubers are known as staple foods. Likewise, papaya fruit is sweet and rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Both of these plants have many nutrients that are good for health of body. Cassava leaves contain phytopharmaca and tannins which are useful for increasing body's immunity and reducing disease. While papaya leaves contain carposide which serves to treat intestinal worms. High papain substance in this leaf makes it taste bitter because it is stomagic which is useful for increasing appetite.

Papaya tree.

One of benefits of papaya leaves is its ability to stimulate and increase appetite. Papaya leaves that are rich in nutrients are very good for boosting immune system and protecting body against germs, infections, and various diseases. Natural mineral content in papaya leaves is also useful for strengthening bones and teeth.

Eating vegetables or fresh papaya leaves is very good for strengthening your bones and teeth. White sap on stems of papaya leaves (white milky latex) is a liquid that has anticancer properties. When processing these leaves as food, this sap will usually also be eaten.

Cassava tree.

Benefits of papaya leaves that are no less important are to reduce blood sugar levels, increase glucose sensitivity, and reduce biomarkers that are useful for people with type II diabetes. Other benefits of papaya leaves are to relieve high blood pressure, launch breast milk production, relieve menstrual pain, eliminate acne, and help hair growth.

Just like papaya leaves, cassava leaves also have benefits to increase appetite. However, to feed a child who has difficulty eating, you should choose cassava leaves instead of bitter papaya leaves. Content of vitamin C and folic acid in cassava leaves is useful for increasing immunity. Content of antioxidants is good for protecting body from free radicals, bacteria, and viruses that cause disease.

Boiled papaya and cassava leave.

Amino acids in cassava leaves are useful for regeneration of damaged body cells while improving function of body organs. It is very good for skin beauty and health care. With a good cell regeneration process, skin and body will look healthier, brighter, firmer, and look younger. Especially with the many antioxidants in this leaf.

Parents who are at risk of stroke are also strongly advised to consume cassava leaves instead of papaya leaves, because of high benefits. Content of isoflavones in cassava leaves is useful in lowering LDL cholesterol levels so that it can ward off stroke. In addition, cassava leaves are also efficacious in increasing body's metabolism, treating fever, treating diarrhea, treating intestinal worms, treating rheumatic problems, overcoming blurred vision, and maintaining pregnancy.

Boiled papaya and cassava leave combined with spicy sambal.

After you know many benefits and nutritional content in these two leaves, will you become fond of consuming them? I am a fan of these two leaves and often boil these two leaves and then enjoy them with spicy chili sauce, the taste is very delicious and of course makes our bodies healthier.

Maybe next time I will share with you about various kinds of processed dishes that you can make from these two leaves. Thank you for reading to the end! Hopefully it can add to your insight.

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2 years ago
Topics: Healthy, Food


Well I read on the health benefits of papaya and casava leaves but I haven't tasted it before. Maybe I will give a try.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Jangan godong gandul also is my favorite food , meskipun pait" , meskipun rasanya pait tapi papaya leaves masih menjadi primadona. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wuiihhh sambelnya muanteep.. Kedua daun ini banyak manfaat tapi daun singkong jangan banyak2..😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was really curious with the taste of cassava leaves, hehe you know we don't eat that here in our country. Only the root crops

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looks like a perfect meal!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very new to me bro. I haven't tried to boiled neither of them. What health benefits we can get from their leaves?

$ 0.00
2 years ago