Bluebottle or Green fly, messenger of infectious disease

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1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Disease

Bluebottle or Green flies are types of flies that are larger than ordinary flies. These flies usually swarm on carrion, dung, and garbage. How to get rid of green flies can be said to be very difficult, especially if there are still dirty places that can be used for them to eat and lay eggs.

Presence of green flies that like to be in dirty places, of course, is not wanted by anyone. You also need to be aware of dangers of green flies because these creatures can spread disease germs to humans, including through green fly larvae left on food.

You should know characteristics of this type of fly. The following are some of characteristics of green flies that distinguish them from other flies.

  • Slightly larger than the common house fly.

  • His voice was louder and more striking.

  • It is lighter in color, generally metallic green to golden green with black markings.

  • Wings are clear with light brown veins.

  • Legs and antennae are black.

  • His eyes are big red.

  • Usually around trash, dung, and carrion bins because that's where they lay their eggs.

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Green flies that enter house can be a threat to health of entire household. In particular, if these insects land on food. Here are some of dangers of green flies that you need to be aware of.

First is definitely unsightly and disturbing, green flies that enter house can also be a source of disease transmission. Dysentery and salmonellosis are diseases that are generally transmitted by flies to humans through food contamination.

Symptoms of both diseases include mild abdominal cramps, vomiting, headache, severe diarrhea, weakness, and fever. If anyone in your family has this disease and you find green flies in your house, you should try various ways to get rid of green flies.

Green flies are dung-feeding animals that thrive and feed on garbage, animal carcasses, feces, and decaying food or plant materials. Green fly larvae can be found in the places it infests.

Its dirty and unhealthy habitat makes the dangers of green flies need to be watched out for. These animals likely carry bacteria that can be transmitted to humans and other animals.

These bacteria can be carried by green flies before they land on food in your home. When these foods are consumed, you can experience various health problems.

Since presence of these insects can be detrimental to health of humans who are in the vicinity, there are several ways to repel green flies that can be done if these animals enter your home.

The following are various ways to get rid of green flies from your home environment.

  • Always keep your house and surroundings clean. Remove all sources that provide a habitat for green flies to congregate and thrive. Cover all litter and clean up your pet's litter.

  • Cover vents, windows, or other avenues that green flies might use to get into your home. You can use mosquito nets or insect nets on the area to block them.

  • You can also get several types of traps or light traps for insects at a pest control supply store. This trap serves to attract and trap green flies that enter house to make it easier to eradicate.

  • You can also use chemicals, such as insecticides or aerosol products, to kill green flies and clean up their colonies. This product should be stored safely and out of reach of children.

If you can't handle green flies at home yourself, it's a good idea to get help of a professional exterminator. They can perform several appropriate procedures to get rid of green flies from your home and prevent them from returning.

Keep clean and keep our health so that we are always awake from the causes of disease, hopefully it can be useful.

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Avatar for qheer92
1 year ago
Topics: Healthy, Disease


After mosquitoes that one insect which I hate most are the flies. They come from very unhygenic places.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Then you must keep your environment always clean bro!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nek nang pasar iku akeh kang laler ijo ngono. Tapi apik e enek laler ijo kui, awak e dewe ngerti nek wong bakul pitik akeh lalere iku artine lain suntikan.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Hahaha, laler ijo onok manfaat e yo onok manfaat e yo kang. Tapi sampean bener si, panganan sing onok tambahan obat e mesti ora digrumut laler.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Mangkane iku kang. Tapi akeh wong sing ra ngerti iki, enek e wong akeh laler ngene iki gilo kang.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

These pests are a reminder to us that we should clean our environment whenever we see them especially in hoards like that.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Yeah, keep our environment always clean is best way to keep healthy

$ 0.00
1 year ago