Accompany your child while playing!

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2 years ago
Topics: Children, Kid, Game, Play

Playi is world of children. Play is also very important for its growth and development. There are many benefits that can be obtained from playing at the age of children. Children need to play release their great energy, play makes children more cheerful, and by playing they can learn certain roles and help control body control.

I accompany my daughter to play while telling names of plants in garden

Playing is not a serious activity, so playing is an activity to find fun while learning at age of children. So, through playing children will also absorb knowledge and learn to solve problems. Actually, without parents or with parents, children can still play. However, if parents want to involve themselves in children's games, it turns out that there are many plus points to be obtained, both for parents and for children.

It's okay to let children play alone. After all, children sometimes need to play alone to develop their imagination and creativity. But, that does not mean you do not need to involve yourself in children's games. Reasons that your child has lots of friends to play with at school and at home, or feel that you're not the typical playful parent. You should still accompany your child when playing, because there are several reasons why you should accompany your child when playing.

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  • Not all games are safe

Toys can accidentally be dangerous for children, for example because they never play in the park. You don't know that the swing game that children like to play has a rusty metal part that has the potential to injure the child.

  • Can't know child's favorite game or toy

You mean it may be fun for child, but it turns out that you choose a toy that is too complicated, or vice versa too easy, so that child is bored. You will not know about it if you do not often accompany your child when playing.

  • Danger of negative effects of the game

Children may secretly download games that are destructive, such as fighting and shooting games that are bloody and contain elements of violence and bullying. Games like this instead of educating, instead provoke an aggressive and rude attitude. So keep accompanying your child when playing gadgets.

My wife always accompanies my daughter when she plays stone and sand on the beach

Even expensive and interesting toys will not feel fun if they are played alone. What is the meaning of a complete cooking toy, if your child only makes his own cake, sells it and becomes a buyer at same time. In fact, it may be more fun for your child if you are involved in children's play, maybe you can act as a buyer or as an assistant.

Those are some of the reasons why you should accompany your child when playing, I think it will be more fun and I guarantee you will be less stressed when you play and joke with your child.

Thank you for reading till end, hopefully it can add to your insight!

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2 years ago
Topics: Children, Kid, Game, Play


When you talked about the safe and dangerous toys an incident came into my mind, my niece was playing with some cubic squares they were in medium sized easily to be swallowed so she accidentally swallowed it as she was a child around 2 years she didn't know not to take it to her mouth. Fortunately our servant saw her and immediately brought her inside to us and with allot of efforts we pulled it out her throat. It was very difficult time for the little child but as u said if we play with kids together not only this will be exciting for them but also they will be safe as we will have an eye on them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's the importance of accompanying children when playing, I think they will definitely be happier when playing with their parents

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to see you here, brother who loves black coffee. 😊

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha, nice to meet you here my friend!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Giving company to your children while playing is a very productive sign. Children feel comfortable, and very happy when their parents are with them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah, you right. I will do my best to have time with my daughter

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, parents like this are cool, because not all parents can play with their children because they are too busy in their own world.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha, that is choice bro. I choose always accompany my daughter, so he can grow in good condition

$ 0.00
2 years ago