Some random Questions.

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2 years ago

Its been how many days im inactive here.Hope you are all doing ok after all what happens this past few days .Election was just finished although they are not yet announcing the final result.Toxic news evrywhere.

Ifound these random Deep Question in Social media..and i wanna try answering it

If you want to take this challenge to answer too just copy and answer it hehe


1.What is the dream that you always had?Is there any dreams that you gave up?And why?

"I always dream to have my own house with a big farm.Yes there are alot of dreams that i gave up but icannot say iregreted it because i gave it up for the sake of my family.Like idreamed to live in other country ."

2.What something you wish for in your life that isnt a material object

"After my husband became a dialysis patient .My wish before for my self,not im terms of material had changed

Now im just wishing and praying for his fast we can be with him more for my kids future.

3.What is a compliment you wish you to hear more often?


"You look slim and look like a 23yrs old !."lol thats when is still single haha


"Oh your kids are all looking great and healthy,what is there vitamins? "

idont know....but ifeel offended and irresponsible mom when other people saying that my kids looks thin and not eating well.Specially when there is a family gathering..Relatives often comparing their kids to other people kids haha.

4.What is a question you've always been curious about that you dont have an answer to?What question that you like have an answer to?

"How do rich people sleep ?haha."

"why do rich people having a hard time to treat good other people that are not wealthy as them"

5.In what ways do you think you become a better person?

"ithink ill become a better person if ijust focus on my family ,or on myself..Be contented and thankful for what ihave .Stop being greedy. And be kind to always specialy to animals hahaha if you know what i mean hahaa."

6.What FEELING do you miss the most?

" Imiss the feeling when i still got a money lol. coz other people will treat you right when you got a money hahaha .But i already learned my lesson. I already saw their true colors hahaha."

7.What is the one you want to let go for this year?

"i want to let go my old childhood memories. ihope ican just forget alll about it so ican move on with my life"

8.What advice would you give to the younger generation?

"Just enjoy your life guys! if you want to have a love life its ok but please dont get pregnant hahaha! Having a jids is a blessing but when you got a child at the early age theres alot of things you cannot do anymore.. hehe

Invest on the things that will nake you grow. not on the things you cant controll and can only give you headache.Love your family specially your self! "

9.Do you think you are a old or young soul?Do you ever feel as if you dont belong in the generation that you were born with?

Ithink im a old soul. Ihate crowded and loud places. if only icould have a chance i want to be born on old generation...No hatred..Just being happy and simple.

10.What is your Butterfly effect?What major moment in your life that altered your life today?

Ithink my Butterfly effect was when i saw for the firstime my 1st born my life really changes when he came to. my life .I became a different person after i had him ..maybe because i was born on a broken family .When i was alone before i was so selfish and i just cared about myself ..

ihope you answer this questions too..some of the question was hard for me to answer but i tried my very best to answered it . Maybe im not that open to other people yet coz im afraid to be judge by other.....hope youre having a goodday.

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2 years ago


Ako naman sis ayoko ng sinasabihan na ang payat mo yata ngayon, kase payatin talaga ako pero okay naman katawan ko ngayon sakto lang, kaya kapag sinabihan ako na ang payat mo ngayon ang sakit sa pakiramdam sis...hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ayy kung skin yan matutuwa tlga aq hahahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay naba ang husband mo now sis?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello po...same pdin po 3xaweek pdin po ang dialysis nya. ty po ulit ha. gawa po aq article update s knya

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2 years ago