The sad story of a mother

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2 years ago
Topics: Kids, Society, True life, People, World, ...

Hi, I want to tell you a little more about a sad situation in my life. I was without a phone again. After my son played with it yesterday, he decided he needed to give it water. Since he eats and drinks water that means the phone eats and drinks water too.

After that watering, nothing but a book divider comes out of the phone anymore. Yesterday it was blinking and today it doesn't do that anymore either. Even the well-known technique of putting the phone in rice did not help.

I'm sad

I can't describe how sad I am. Another money was thrown away just like that for 10 minutes.

The sad thing is that I need my phone for work too, not just entertainment, which means I'll now have to buy a new one, which is straining the family budget.

I started looking into what phone to buy because in the 21st first century when most people's money like me is in their online wallets it's not like you can be without a phone.

I found

I mean, I "copied" my better half's phone. Because his phone is one of those that are forever. Shockproof, waterproof, dustproof and weighing close to 400 grams.

Apparently, I'm all for such a phone even if I don't do hard physical labor.

I liked my current phone. Its screen was a bit big for my hand but it was comfortable. Now I will have to be with this monster as long as I can raise the money for it in a few days.

The pictures of the phone are from EMAG, the official seller of the phone in Bulgaria, and the first two pictures are from Canva's image database

$ 1.47
$ 1.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @clixmoney
$ 0.05 from @renren16
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2 years ago
Topics: Kids, Society, True life, People, World, ...


What a lovely phone it is Ma'am.. As for me, I will just stick still to my current phone. Its been almost three years that I am using it. I still don't have enough money to buy a new one. Gladly, its still working at its best though there are times that it slipped in my hand and fell in the ground. Maybe sooner or later, I can buy a new one for myself and hoping that this current phone still be working by that time, so that I can let my mama have it. She actually don't know how to use an android phone. She usually used Keypad phones. And I want to teach her. That's why I'm trying to save some of my earnings in here to buy.

I am very happy for you that despite everything you went through from the phone that gone now, you finally have a new one that you can use. Have a great day Ma'am. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything is possible! I am giving my best to give everything to my son because when I am at work I need a quiet place where I can talk with the team or with a client. The phone is a MUST when you work online ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As a child, I will be so proud of a mother like that. Like, she will give her best for her child.

Hmm.. You are indeed right Ma'am. That is why, I am trying to save up for me to able to buy a new one, soon.😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What I don't understand is if your phone is so important why you let your child play with it. This isn't a sad situation but stupid. As a parent you can say NO and should say NO. Little children should not play with phones, use phones. The radiation/microwaves of phones, tv, microwaves, devices and all electric machines just like 4G and 5G are dangerous. It harms the body and brains! As a mother you should know that.

My tip is buy something cheap and keep it out of your son's hands since it will get broke anyway.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Probably you don't have kids, or you have but you don't work from home when they are still around you. I work from home and almost every day I have meetings on Skype or Viber I need a calm place where I can talk with clients. When you are in a such situation that you are 24/7 available you do everything to keep your child quiet, because you could lose the money that you get when you work.

Yes, you are right that the screens are not good for the kids, but when you have no option what to do when you are at work and you must communicate verbally with somebody ... you must do whatever is needed ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago