The price that we all pay

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2 years ago
Topics: Money, Time, True life

As much as it may not ring true to you we are all walking wallets. We pay for goods and services we need on a daily basis - that's normal, but in our relationships with people we are also wallets because we invest "money" - time and emotions to maintain a friendship.

We give this "money" to our loved ones - it is not measured in the money we all know, it is measured in a much more expensive currency - time.

It's no secret that we each have an allotted time on this earth, so how we spend it is important. Whether we allow the negative people to take over and drag us down into the darkness and coldness of hate, malice and outright dislike of those who have good things happen to them. Everyone knows at least one such friend, and no wonder you have such a relative who is constantly talking about bad things, how unfair life is to him/her, how many bad things happen to him/her, and is he/she doing anything positive?

The easiest and stupidest thing is to greet a stranger.

It's easy, a simple "hello" or "have a good day" changes not only that day but the other person's day - they will smile, respond to your greeting or just nod but the positive energy you send with that greeting will change their day.

Don't strive to be friends with everyone. There is no point. Be friends with yourself first so you don't pay the high price of disappointment.

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2 years ago
Topics: Money, Time, True life
