My lovely male cat

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2 years ago
Topics: $Kittens, Pets, Cat

It is my cat, he is with us from the 2011 year

His name is Betko. There is a funny story about choosing his name. At first, the vet said that this is a "girl cat". We argued about the name of the cat and the movie "Ugly Betty" was casting on the TV. Then I proposed why we can't name the cat Betty. And we named it like that.

He was a small and angry little cat. Every morning he waked me up chewing my toes. It was a painful and pleasant moment because I was seeing the little fellow happy.

The happy story ended when one morning Betty started licking his Betko thing near my pillow. I was shocked but accepted that we have Betko in the house.

#petlovers #pets #cats

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2 years ago
Topics: $Kittens, Pets, Cat
