My introduction post

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2 years ago

Hello, My name is Hristina, and I stand behind the username projectmamabg. I am looking for new opportunities from the internet so I decided to give a chance to this network.

I am a mom with a year and 9 months of great son playing and singing all day long.

I have many interests and hobbies. I love baking, I love to crochet, I love making handmade stuff like jewelry, and many more. I will be happy to show them to you!

You can read more for me from this article

Sponsors of projectmamabg

$ 4.91
$ 4.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.35 from @clixmoney
Sponsors of projectmamabg
Avatar for projectmamabg
2 years ago


You're welcome here. I think it will be good if you share the link to your posts here in I always share them in chamber there :

You can also learn from @Pantera. I learned a lot from him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also registered there (all the info from your article about the marketing) but I haven't checked what is happening there. I gave more time myself to figure out what is happening here ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You may say that here is for content with long articles and active people commenting, and there it's just like twitter. Just for short posts and little comments. Here to earn you have to get tips from others, in noise you get some rewards from likes. And the good thing about noise is that, when you are active there and especially in the channel of, people will follow you here and may support you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is nice, I must start to be more active here as well (I mean in these both platforms)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For sure. The good thing is to have sponsors here, so besides earning money directly from tips that you can send directly to your wallet, if you will be active here, you will have sponsors. Those sponsors pay you from their earning. I didn't learn much about that, but the more sponsors you have, the more you earn every month. Plus what you get from tips. People easily can make here more than $100 a month or even more if they are active and have many sponsors. Some make even more than $500 a month. I think this platform has a big future and all those who stick to it will be happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago