My respect to all the women of the world...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Blogging, Reality, ...

Today is 8th March according to Kyiv (Ukrainian) time zone and today many people are celebrating international women's day. To be honest I never paid attention to this even never tried to understand the meaning or the concept of Women's Day. I denote myself as a woman more than a girl because I am not a girl anymore. I am a woman who believes in freedom, equal rights and who doesn't wanna be dependent on someone else. I wish my mom would have lived today to see the current world as she never got the respect which she actually deserved.

My mom was a suburban girl who got married at an early age and never got a chance to study further. Simply she devoted her life to our family and did enormous sacrifices for us. I still feel that I wish I could have shown more care and respect to her because she had sacrificed her entire life for me, for our family.

Honestly speaking women do a lot of sacrifices in life and if I start talking about women's rights perhaps you will tell me I am a feminist. Besides, from my own personal experiences, I can tell you how some societies still ignore women's from giving their own rights.

Still, rape happens, and why? Instead of blaming the real culprit, society easily blames a girl or a woman. Most of the people still pointing fingers at the women saying, that's your fault. You couldn't manage yourself. We talk about women's safety but in some places, women are not safe or don't feel safe. They can't go out after sunset, parents say, do not go out, we live in a society... What people will say? Still, we stop women to do jobs after marriage, we say that why you need a job? You should stay at home and take care of your family. Women always receive criticism for their social media profiles and for their skin colors and outfits.

In some societies, still gender discrimination exists and still domestic violence occurs. But women stay silent thinking about the future of their kids and family. Another fact, in some society, when a divorce happens, automatically society point the finger towards the women saying your fault...

I am not saying all people are the same. But still, because of culture and society, women are not free. We talk about equality, but still, in some societies, men are considered superior. There are many people who don't wanna see the success of a woman, they can't digest when they see a woman rises upwards and they try to create a barrier in the way of the woman's success and try to pull their legs downwards.

The world is changing now as well as people's mentality. Now a woman can be a leader, a president, or prime minister. Women are going to the moon and women are now working with the men with proper rights. They know their rights and they don't wanna stay behind the curtain like before. They are educating themselves, becoming self-dependent, and also contribute to the family. They are doing businesses and doing 8-12 hours job as well.

I know a man does a lot for the family, for livelihood but the contribution of a woman is not less than that. Today, I am showing respect to all the women who are working hard to make this world better, who hold us for 9 months in their womb and give us birth by bearing labor pains. I am showing respect to all the mothers who unconditionally sacrificing their life every single day...

Happy Women's Day...



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Original post is written by @priyanarc...
All the pictures used are captured by the author...

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Blogging, Reality, ...


True. We are not feminist or anything. We just want some respect as fellow human beings.. And respect comes with equality too.

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