World's Biggest Mystery

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3 years ago

Ever since anyone can remember, people have wondered about one thing: Where did the world come from? Genesis tells us. God created it. But that answer just opens up an ever bigger question: Where did God come from?

And that question can't be answered. Because God didn't come from anywhere. He has no parent, no hometown, no birth certificate. The Bible explains it this way:

" Before the mountains were born, or you bought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God"- Psalm 90:2

God is everlasting- infinite, with no beginning and no end. ( The alpha and the omega) But some people say, "everything has a beginning. It's just got to."

We even celebrate this fact through:

Birthday Parties , Wedding anniversaries, Christmas , New year's day and many more.

And for that matter, everything has to have end, doesn't it? We make big fuss about that too: finish lines and funerals and victory parties and graduation days. With all this attention to beginnings and endings, its hard to imagine something that has neither. We're only familiar with what's finite- infinity makes no sense at all.

THINK ABOUT THIS: Everything in our world was started by something, or someone. You got their start from your parents, your parents got their start from grandparents. And those folks got their start from their parents, who got started by other parents, and so on. Chase that family tree all the way back to the very first humans, and you've still got to have someone there who started them.

Some people refuse to believe the Bible's story of creation. They claim that humans got their start through evolution, which got its start from a Big Bang. But that still doesn't solve mystery: No matter who or what sits at the top of your "family tree"-Adam and Eve or Atom and Amoeba or Crash and Bang- someone made the very first move. Someone started it all.

Someone named God . And at that very moment, he invented something else: BEGINNINGS. From that moment on, everything in the world would have one. So the next time asks you, Where did God come from?, you can say," He didn't come from anywhere-- He was already here when things started". And if that still doesn't make much sense, don't worry about it: You can ask God to explain it when you see him face to face.


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Written by
3 years ago


No one can say for sure who became the first and how the world came into being

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I believe in God and in my faith, I simply follow what is written and I don’t doubt anything.

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3 years ago

Great dear I have subscribed you dear friend

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3 years ago