Intoxicating effects of Alcohol

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Written by
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

There are many subjects we can create by a single topic related to alcohol effects. The effects of alcohol varies depends on the body reactions of a certain person who drinks alcohol. Characteristics change when you are under the influence of alcohol and its very intoxicated in a way that you don't know what really you are doing. When we say about intoxicating - it means an exaggerated feeling , behavior or lose of control to oneself. We always heard this term adjectivally or ironically words such as " I am intoxicated in love with her" " She has intoxicated smile" or "This alcohol drink is intoxicating" ( You cant help your self with it). It can be associated to the Effects of alcohol when its out of control that turns out to a negative results .

I remember the first time i drink alcohol with my office mates way back 2019 in a birthday party. Honestly, i'm not a drinker , its just that i want to fit in the crowd and never tell anyone that i don't drink. After having one bottle of beer it made me tipsy and everything was revolving around me ( That's what i felt). Typically, i am a loud person but when am drunk, i became silent and when someone is talking to me , they don't understand me because what i was saying are incoherent. It was challenging when you are walking drunk, i experienced walking in cross direction, swaying and staggering .Since from then, i refused to drink alcohol because i found out that i have allergy in alcoholic drinks.

Its fine to drink but should be in moderate ( when you are happy) , its not recommended to drink too much of alcohol ( when you are lonely) . Why? Because alcohol is a depressants to our central nervous system's in high dosage, it affects our memory and it leads to uncontrollable speech coordination - meaning it changes the normal activity of our system. It can lead to drowsiness, slow and hard breathing, and it affects our respiratory to function as well. I believe everyone of us are aware about these effects. and should be aware to get rid of intoxicating effects of alcohol in our mind.

"If you want to live life longer, you have to be healthy. If you want to be Healthy , then live life to the fullest with self discipline. " -Prey27

"Let your conscious mind control you not the spirit of intoxicated alcohol to ruin you" -Prey27

I cant upload image thumbnail, i hope it works through short post. Thanks - Prey27

Time start: 2:15 pm

Time stop: 2:55 pm

Device used: Personal Laptop

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Written by
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


That's where it all starts I guess. When we want to fit in the crowd.. hehehe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Indeed! :) but its worth experience though, learned lesson.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

YEah I don't think drinking is not bad as long as you know the limit.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Every that is too much can cause harm same as alcohol intake but if you put limitations, it's not that really bad drinking if it's for occasionally.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

drink when your happy and dont when you are miserable.. 🤗.. with our emotions out of grievance talagang nasama ito.. i agree take it moderately, 🤗🤗

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for your entry but I cannot find the prompts given back in bold. Can you check your article please.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

oh okay thanks, reading other articles in the community gave me an idea about prompt and i just saw in under community name. i will recheck my article later , Thanks @wakeupkitty

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4 years ago