Hello Mars ! ( Reserve you boarding pass to Mars)

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3 years ago

Philippines is in number one spot of sending name reservations to the next fly of NASA to Mars Mission with 1.4 billions of Filipino names. Next is from United States and India got the third place on reserving names to Mars!

Wow! Can we really get into Mars? well, yeah kinda but its Just your Name as your representative. They are still on exploring stages if there can be a life on Mars.

 You can watch their Mission Events here : Perseverance Launch

You want to get your boarding pass? visit it on here:

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Written by
3 years ago


NIce one :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

whoa nice one. Imma reserve for my family ahahhaa

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3 years ago

Go sis kitakits nalng sa Mars hahaha!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I saw it on the news haha that's so funny. A lot of people (especially Filipinos) no longer wants to stay on earth and that's probably due to all the negative events nowadays 😅 If it's real I would like to go to Mars too and just to experience going to outer space 😁 I would still love to stay on earth tho

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Maybe to be just like a visitor on Mars but seems so impossible.. Scientist under its exploration says that its hard to survive travelling to Mars that would takes year and a half.. (18 months ). However so funny getting our reservation for boarding to this planet.. hihii

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3 years ago