Separation of notifications.

0 7

Hey there, team. I have noticed something which would personally help me and i'm sure a lot of people like me who are moderators of some communities so this is more of a feature request and if other people are interested in this as well maybe they can leave a comment in support but here is what I am thinking.

Recently since I opted in to become a moderator of several communities, my notification queue has grown exponentially as expected. This is ok, I have no issue with this but if the notifications list goes 2-3 pages long, I tend to miss the notifications about comments on my posts. So is there a way to either consolidate all of my notifications and show them as one because clicking on it anyways will take me to the page which has the whole moderation queue. The other thing is, make 2 tabs or color code the comment/post notifications where as leave the moderation one untouched.


$ 0.00
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Great thought, i strongly support this view. It gets boring moving from one page to another searching notifications

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes that too. For me though it’s mostly that I am missing notifications of comment from people I follow.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We'll definitely get to upgrade the notification area sometime in the future. There are many things that needs work.

$ 0.06
4 years ago

Sounds good. Thank you!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I also have trouble with the sheer amount of notifications sometimes. I support these suggestions.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah. this would be a great feature. I also am having some slight issues with notifications mixed up. I also am missing out some notifications. I think separate notification for communities, subscription and comments is a good idea. Maybe they can make it like in an inbox area and there you can see the more organized notifications?

$ 0.00
4 years ago