Public Service Announcement - Washing hands during the pandemic

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3 years ago

So I noticed that a lot of people don't actually understand why you need to wash your hands and that too for 20 seconds during this pandemic. I hope I can help pass on some useful information to my readers and followers.

Myth: Soap kills the virus, that's why you need to wash your hands.

Well if that's the case why do you need to wash it for 20 seconds? Have you ever thought about that?

So the reason doctors ask you to wash your hands for 20 seconds is because soap doesn't actually kill the virus but it just helps the virus get off your body surfaces so they don't cling onto your hands and face etc. This is the reason why doctors advise people to wash their hands for 20 seconds as the more time and effort you spend washing your hands, the more virus you get off your skin!

Remember the virus can only enter your body through the ACE-2 receptors which is basically either through your eyes, nose or tongue/mouth. Honestly not sure if private parts are part of it but seems likely that they would be a part of it too. So thats why doctors ask you to cover your nose and mouth when you go out. It's also very helpful if you wear glasses as that's like a mask too.

Then what kills the virus?

The evidence that we have currently says that alcohol kills the virus which is why hand sanitizers are very effective and if possible you should be carrying one wherever you go because if you can't wash your hands with soap and water, hand sanitizers will kill the virus.

Hope you found this information helpful and please pass this on to your friends and family and hope we all come out of this in better health than before.

#covid-19 #coronavirus #pandemic

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Awesome writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awesome 😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wonderful and informative post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article, keep going

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3 years ago