My Physical and Mental Health Week (12/6-12/12)

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2 years ago
Topics: News, Life, Stress, MentalHealth, Health, ...

I am trying something this week and hopefully if this discipline continues, I am going to try and continue this routine for as long as I can. I am sharing this so that others can possible benefit from it. If you find this useful, please do drop a like and share it with your friends and family.

I have been having a very hard time managing the stress of work and life around me recently and I have decided to try the following this week and see if I can manage this schedule consistently for a while. I will try to do the following this week.

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep every day. This includes no sleeping late. I am not going to be awake after 11pm at any cost no matter what exciting content appears on YouTube/TV/Odysee.

  • 10-15 mins of meditation every day. I will try to fit this in somewhere during the day.

  • Walk 10,000 steps every day. I'll try my level best to fit in a HIIT workout for 20 mins every day but realistically I will try to get a HIIT workout for 3 days of the week at least.

  • Work without stress. I am going to focus only on work when i'm working and not do other things and not watch videos etc.

  • Not worry about finances and relationships. I have had some struggles in both these areas but I am going to try and calm myself down and just accept what life has given me and not fight it. I will also put my ego down at the cost of my mental health. Also, no checking crypto prices every few hours for sure.

  • Drink lots of water. I will try to get at least 3 liters of water every day. If I can do 4, that would be incredible but it might be hard.

  • Eat well but do portion control. I tend to pig out when I am stressed out so I am going to try and control that and only eat till i'm about half full. Also I will avoid highly processed and sugary foods.

I will evaluate my physical and mental health after a week and I hope to feel much better. I just wanted to share this with everyone if it helps anyone. Let me know what you think. Should I add/remove anything?

Also, last but not least, wish me luck!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: News, Life, Stress, MentalHealth, Health, ...
