Does anyone know what Binance Pool is?

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Does anyone know what this Binance Pool is? Please note that this is not the mining pool that Binance has. All my Google searches are leading towards the mining pool and I am not referring to that. This feature lets me send tokens into the pool but it's not clear how long they should be there and what rewards i'll get from doing this. Any help would be appreciated!

$ 0.56
$ 0.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
Sponsors of potta


As I understand this is staking pool I'm planning to publish soon article about DeFi and Binance and probably will check "Pool" more Didn't use it, but definitely there are many opportunities there as well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So what does it do. If I send some tokens into this pool say $100 worth LTC what does it do?

$ 0.00
3 years ago