The Future Begins With Dreams

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2 years ago

From the moment a child opens his eyes to the world, his life adventure begins.

It is indispensable to dream from the age when he realizes what he is thinking.

Their wishes are always impossible but fun things.

For example, all children want to be the superhero they admire when they grow up.

Don't be surprised. That's how everything actually starts..

Dreams, wishes, and wishes make life interesting, challenging, and respectable. Dreaming is considered a positive mind trait. Almost everyone has a dream they want to fulfill. But most of the time it's "Too early." saying, "I'm late." We put barriers to living our dreams. But we sincerely say that the concepts of early or late are the limits that we only set ourselves and that do not actually exist!

Dreaming is an indispensable source of motivation for some people to get away from reality, for others it is an indispensable source of motivation for a person to realize himself. In fact, a person's dreams contain important details about what kind of person that person is and will be. Every person, from childhood to adulthood, puts their dreams at the center of their lives at some point in their life.

Our dreams are likened to design workshops. There are no obstacles in the world of dreams. The first design work on what we can do starts there. In order to make our dreams come true, it is necessary to have the ability to distinguish between belief, determination, fantasy and reality.

Every realization and action is a dream until that moment. It is necessary to generate motivation from dreams, to follow them with faith and sometimes stubbornly. Especially writing dreams and expressing them verbally often become a secret command to ourselves and our subconscious, and after a while these dreams; they turn into targets that we chase, fight and pay the price for.

Today, there is an interesting finding about dreams. While things that were difficult to realize in the past filled the definition of dream, today everything that is said and thought as a dream is closer to reality and realization. So there is a closer relationship between fantasy and reality. What is your dream? The answers given to the question contain targets with high probability of being realized. The concept of dream turns into a goal and what we need to do to realize the goal also contains the secrets of making dreams come true.

$ 0.42
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Written by
2 years ago


At an early age, children have aspirations that many can become policemen, soldiers, pilots, etc.. However, children only mention that so that one day they can truly realize their dreams, but in reality, when they grow up, they don't get the results they want. aspired since childhood, now the role of parents is very influential to encourage children to always be enthusiastic in achieving it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As you said, we always want to have this kind of profession when we are little. But real life starts after we come to our senses :) for this, our family needs to guide us correctly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As the saying says "dreaming is always free" if you are determined on something that you want to achieve that despite of the judgement that you receive from other people you still continue and believe in yourself. It may be one foolish dream which other people think that its impossible to achieve but a single dream of a person who has the will to achieve it is more powerful that thousand realities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you said very nice things :) people's biggest problem is other people's thoughts. If we overcome this, we can lead a better life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dreams are just one step away from reality

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope we can all make our dream come true

$ 0.00
2 years ago