Spend your Life with Yoga to be Happy

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2 years ago

 Are you healthy? Is your mind at peace? Do you have a good balance inside and out?

If your answer is yes, that's great because you have to be happy. But how many people can truly answer yes to these questions, without any limitations?

Happiness is a small word, it's actually a huge phenomenon that people seem to ignore.

Open your newspaper; wondering if the word happiness is found in this newspaper (apart from the advertisements). I am sure that you will either find that word very difficult or not at all. In general, there will be negative news that I do not want to write about the topics you will read here one by one. But isn't happiness the purpose of life? So, how is happiness achieved?

Civilization and technology do not seem to have helped us much in our success in attaining happiness. Undoubtedly, there are mobile phones, computers, internet, automobiles, airplanes, the amount of which is increasing day by day, around us. But take a good look at faces on the street, on the train, on the subway, in sports and shopping centers. Those faces are sullen, anxious. Because life is a constant struggle that consumes the organism. Material development did not serve human happiness, but turned its back on it. I wonder if happiness means climbing the ladder of success in the business world without stopping, and reaching a hill by spending a lot of energy? I do not think so. Because how to reach a non-existent hill with endless stairs?

Humanity often yearns for a simpler, more genuine life that is truly in line with its nature.

That's when the West appeals to the East, which is the place of almost all teachings, for a lesson in wisdom, a useful discipline in life. This is YOGA, which is one of the most well-known and practiced teachings all over the world recently.

Haven't you already bought the Yoga and Health magazine for almost this kind of reason?

You must have heard that YOGA is mentioned by hearsay, without knowing exactly what it is or even practicing it at all. They will even say that Yoga includes subjects such as sleeping on a nailed board as if lying on a feather bed, crossing the legs over the head, standing on the head for hours, piercing the tongue without pain and bleeding. There are, of course, the poor, especially in India, who have devoted themselves to this kind of demonstration. Some of them have acquired some of the power of body and mind discipline through the learning and practice of Yoga. But these are people who demonstrate as a means of subsistence, taking advantage of the goodwill of patriots and foreigners.

True Yogis do not manifest themselves that way. They are the custodians of a slowly evolved knowledge of life over thousands of years.

Yoga is neither impoverishment (asceticism that sees body torment as necessary for the salvation and happiness of the soul, since the human body is considered the source of all evil in Indian philosophy), nor is it magic. It doesn't matter that much. Because yoga class is experiential. You can easily make your own decision after attending the Yoga class with an expert trainer. I am sure that you will feel the physical and mental peace and happiness at the end of the lesson. This teaching develops both the body and the mind with physical and clarified intellectual exercises, and presents the knowledge of life and unique powers to those who practice it.

No matter what age you are, Yoga will bring you well-being. If you are young, you will prepare yourself a beautiful life. If you are not young, it is not necessary to say, “It is too late to start, I am too old, it has passed me”. While a 40-year-old person was called old in the old days, now the human being is forty years old, in the fit of his age.

Many years of experience have proven that Yoga gives health, peace and vitality to everyone, regardless of gender and age, and instills the happiness of living.

The discipline of yoga does not require any unexpected skill or extraordinary ability from you to restore the health of body and soul. Between the daily stresses of your life, you do not need to spend long hours learning and practicing Yoga. You won't be asked for strict rules, which will quickly discourage you. Apart from the lesson, you will make a daily effort for only 15 to 30 minutes, and then you will adopt the order that will come naturally to you. As long as your work is uninterrupted, continuous. The important thing is not only to start Yoga, but also to persevere on this path.

You will now see the right path, bright moments and a beautiful future, freed from bodily ailments, regaining self-control, mental health, free from doubts, anxieties, fixed ideas and complexes, and a clear way of thinking with the development of will and decision power.

Whatever your profession, it will have been successful and finally what happiness means.


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Written by
2 years ago
