No Matter How Much You Run Away, the Past Doesn't Let You Go

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2 years ago

Life is not as pure and clean as the day you opened your eyes to the difficult world. People are liars and manipulatives. Time makes you experience everything. You accumulate good and bad memories and experiences behind you. They say a person's past is like his shadow. It really is. I have experienced this many times in my life. This shadow sneakily came and sat in front of my light, shrouding my world in darkness from time to time. But I learned how to deal with it.

Sometimes my friends hurt me; Is there a way to forget the past? Why can't people get rid of their past? Why do all misfortunes find me?

Believe me man, I don't know the right answer either. Who can show you the right path better than Allah than you? Your biggest guide is your life anyway, your experiences...

Are you empty? don't be sad, or forget it, my friend, be sad! What's wrong with that? This is life, my friend, this is life itself. Everything will not always be perfect. You will not live every day with joy. You won't be lucky every time. Maybe you don't like your family, you live under pressure. Maybe you took a big hit, maybe from your friend, maybe from your family, maybe that person you love, from him. Do not grieve, or grieve, my friend, grieve away! What's wrong with that? This is life, my friend, it is the pain of this life that adds flavor to it. This is a part of the beauty of life. But no matter what you experience, never forget that all these things are not permanent. Oh man, don't you know that after winter comes summer again, day after night… yellowing leaves turn green again, dried earth gets wet again with a rain. If you get sick, you get better again. You think you can't fall in love with anyone again, you will again. Even the most intractable troubles have an end, a cure. Just a little time, my friend, a little time… Don't stop, even if they try to stop you, don't stop, you flow with the time. Find yourself a pastime. And belief is the most beautiful harbor where you can take shelter when you feel the most alone, because it will offer you beautiful days again. Make sure of that, my friend. Do not forget that there is flesh and bone in this world, do not boast; But don't bend your neck and say I'm weak. The Lord has given you one of the most precious things. He gave you a unique spirit. He gave love and mercy to your heart to spread it to the world. Love your trouble my friend and be stronger. Don't lose yourself in space. You know who you are. Do not let anything that happens to you to darken your heart, to turn you into someone else, to make you a bad person. Keep on your way, walk and see what a beautiful sight will come your way. Accept sometimes, if you have to accept. Don't be persistent. Time will give you what belongs to you again. Fix it now, don't frown like that.

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Written by
2 years ago
