Hate is usually a negative feeling we have towards the other person.

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2 years ago

Hatred, which is an extremely negative emotion that we can usually show as the source of anger, hostility and disgust, can be said to be a very strong emotion because it is intensely felt and embraced. Although hatred is generally a negative feeling we have towards the other party, we can say that it is an extremely destructive situation that actually kills the beauties inside the person. In addition, there are many expression alternatives for this feeling. However, it can also result in self-harm with the evil that the person feeds entirely within himself. So why do we hate it?

Hate; can be felt against a person, a community, language, religion, gender, sexual identity, any object, or a movement. However, whatever the subject is, prejudice is the basis of hatred. If you don't put enough thought into understanding and knowing something, only your assumptions will be with you. This can cause you to fear, dislike and, at worst, hate that thing for which you do not know enough. To harbor hatred towards a person or a situation based only on your first impressions, how they make you feel, and outward appearance would be extremely contrary to the requirements of being a civilized person. However, sometimes the reason for the feeling of hatred may be the behaviors exhibited by the other party rather than the feelings and attitudes of the person. For example, let's say you saw an evil from the other side and this caused negative effects on your psychology. If the person realizes that his action is causing negative effects and does not take steps to compensate for it, the negativity it causes may result in the hatred of the other party.

However, in some cases, a feeling of hatred may manifest itself because of the predominance of the person's own problems from the other side. For example, jealousy arising from wanting to be like the other person but not being able to do this at the moment may cause the individual to hate that person. What a person with a healthy psychology will do is to illuminate the positive points of that person. However, hating a person who has never had any close relationship with him is actually equivalent to wishing his evil. No matter what the subject is, there is no logical and humane explanation for wishing evil on a living thing, while having such a feeling towards a person with whom you have not the slightest interaction can cause destruction both within yourself and for the other party.

If the other party reminds the person of things that they cannot be, the person will start to feel a grudge against that individual at this point. We can say that this situation is actually an expression of his own despair, giving up and laziness. If you envy the aspects of the other party that you want them to have in you, you should focus on what you can do about it. If you're after elements that you can't get, then you have to first realize it and then accept it. Remember that accepting something does not always mean giving up. The introduction of logic is extremely effective in making healthy decisions.

For example, let's say the thing you are jealous of is the physique of the other party. This may make you feel overweight and unhealthy. If this really bothers you and prevents you from being at peace with yourself, if you can take inspiration from that person, you can adopt a healthy life, do sports and focus on losing weight. However, doing these does not mean that you will be like the other party. Everyone's body structure, system and needs are different. For this reason, it is extremely important that you make a real determination of the point where you want to be.

Unfortunately, this feeling that arises from our strong prejudices is closely related to a person's lack of compassion and love. Although there are positive points you can choose, chasing after the negative ones will cause you to get lost. Instead of being jealous, you can envy and nurture, instead of responding to a place where you see evil in the same way, you can weave stones of love, instead of being afraid of the unknown, you can try to learn, and instead of opposing the situation you think is not normal, you can embrace differences. Both positive and negative emotions are highly human. But why have such a strong feeling towards a person you don't like, even if it is negative about a situation? Growing such strong hatred will do you harm. If you don't like it, don't like it, ignore it, or ignore it. But don't take hate, which is an extremely bad mood, into your own heart or surround others with this fire.

image from-Dương Nhân  Pexels

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Written by
2 years ago


Feeling heart when I see negativity.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

what a beautiful thought :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And unfortunately many people in various communities suffer from this negative emotion. I have seen families who have gone to crime because of this. I don't think there is a more provocative feeling than hatred!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i think the same thing...unfortunately you are right.Hatred is a big problem

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2 years ago