Because You Want To Love. To Love And Be Loved a Lot.

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Written by
2 years ago

Some people live by listening to their heart, others their mind.

Have you ever thought, do you listen to your mind or does your heart not allow you to hear your mind? Which one wins? Isn't it a strange question? Of course we listen to all of them, but one of them definitely outweighs. I personally say that my heart is the center of my body. Even if my mind wants to think about something, it can't take many steps without consulting my heart. A person that my heart does not approve cannot enter my world no matter what.

It's hard to open the doors. Experiencing love to the bone, without fear, without the thought of leaving it. Loving like crazy. You accept it in every way. Even if your mind says no, look, it doesn't suit you, you don't listen. Because you want to love. To love and be loved a lot. You love him with all the features that make him what he is. without changing it. Maybe you want your steps to match. A little you want to her and a little to her... You want to make the most beautiful melody in the world from those steps. To be the most harmonious couple walking. Walking into love at every step, forgetting the world, away from fears and worries.

You want to make him the luckiest man or woman in the world. Because he is your lover, the only person who owns your heart and can be loved...But you are afraid...Sometimes you are even afraid to show your love. Because does he really love with his heart or with his mind? If he loves with his mind, ego will get involved, you know As you run, he will run away from you. The more you show you love him, the more he will distance himself from you, he will not know your worth. You want to wake him up. But how can you say that, how can you explain it to him. Will he love you like you love him? Off how hard it is to be understood, to agree, to achieve that harmony… If there is no harmony, it will be easy if you are the one who loves the most.

If you start to get scared, you understand that you started to fall in love. You sing the same refrain every time. A little love, a little commitment, then a cool wind and falling autumn leaves, the end of separation... They say autumn brings love. Maybe the cold brings us closer to each other. We hug, warm, our hearts fuse more lots.

So I say a little prayer

And hope my dreams will take me there

Where the skies are blue

To see you once again, my love

Overseas from coast to coast

To find a place I love the most

Where the fields are green

To see you once again

To hold you in my arms

To promise you my love

To tell you from the heart

You're all I'm thinking of

I'm reaching for the love that seem so far..

Westlife - my love

$ 2.06
$ 2.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
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Written by
2 years ago


I think in case of love, decisions must be made using heart not mind because love is unconditional. Mind opts for technicality love is not about technicalities

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you my friend, love is surrender to feelings.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In love decisions taken and accepted by the heart lasts, the interruption of mind there will cause it to fail if any one of them is listening to other than their heart. In other scenarios your mind maybe a better choice but in love to me heart's voice matter the most.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

congratulations my friend, nice observation and comment

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2 years ago