Moving from a Place to your PALACE!

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In life, a lot of people are everywhere but only a few people are somewhere.

Everywhere is a place but somewhere is your place and that place is your place of uniqueness, honor and success.

There is always a place you are meant to be strengthened, rooted, established and made perfect as regards success.

That place is called your PALACE and the distance from everywhere(place) to somewhere(palace) is 'A' and it represents three things:

  • Attitude

  • Action

  • Altitude

Before we begin to discuss the value of 'A', it is imperative to understand that failure to identify one's palace can lead to struggle and delay as regards achieving tangible success in life.

For greater clarity, one's palace is his area of assignment or calling in destiny.

Without a doubt, we all will surely go through places as we grow to comprehend and appreciate our purpose in life. We will come across different people from different tribes, diverse kinds of information, happenings and events but if we do not really know our area of assignment or calling in destiny, we will struggle and experience delay inspite of motion.

The motions of an individual in life must flow from that individual's palace or else, there will be randomness and difficulty in commanding tangible and requisite reward.

Your palace is the place and area of your crown. It is the reference point that determines the structure, composition and arrangement of the body of information and truths that will crown you in life.

You cannot begin to try everything out all in the name of wanting to succeed. Doing that proves you are really confused about your purpose, you lack vision and do not even know your calling in life.

You must move to your palace.

This will require looking unto God(your Creator); the author and Finisher of faith and asking him to lead you into the solid place from which you truly live out your purpose to be made strengthened, rooted, established, perfected and fulfilled in your earthly pilgrimage.

If you're still confused as at what your purpose is and you're lost in the concept of self discovery, you need to find your feet and tread the path of truth and clarity as regards this or else you'll have a problem identifying and understanding your own placement of uniqueness and honor.

So have you moved into your palace or are you still roaming around?

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Sad to say, I'm still roaming around. I know what I love doing but I really don't know how it can help me in my everyday life.

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4 years ago

There is always an innovation in everything, you just have to figure it out... but you don't have to do it alone. You can also as other for help.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. Many people here on readcash give me inspiration and supports me. You're one of them. Thank you for the kind words

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4 years ago

you are welcome... here on our goal is to grow as one and make sure others around us grow as well...

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well composed. Very nice article. Thanks

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3 years ago

Life is short but his story many long bro. And your written very amazing

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3 years ago

Your article is very amazing. Carry on your post

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3 years ago

I already did own a palace. In a place where no sorrow is. The day I ask God to be my Lord and saviour is the day I was saved and become His princess. Thus, I am heaven bound. How about you?

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4 years ago

really wonderful... most people find it difficult to get to their palace but you have achieved it.. I celebrate with you

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4 years ago

Interesting way to express this. Quite creative. Just fix the typo (ans) in the next last paragraph. I can't recognise the "you" from the beginning here. This is several steps more advanced, both in thinking, expression, and in how you handle the language.

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4 years ago

Thanks you sir, I have been working on it for about two days now. I just completed it today. Thanks I didn't take note of that, would fix It right away.

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4 years ago

Wow. Very nicely put . The article has a whole new prospect for this. Good luck to all of us to move to better place

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4 years ago

yeah I have been at it for some time now hit the wall at some point but I finally complete it. Thanks for the feedback

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4 years ago

We must always just stay in our palaces this way we are peaceful and at bliss

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4 years ago

Your article is motivating and inspiring in a lot of ways. It is good to strive to get to someone's palace. Thanks.

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4 years ago

I wonder how many understand what you wrote here. It starts well in clear language next it is as if I read an article written by someone else. After reading I lost trace if it comes to everywhere and somewhere and it beats me what my palace has to do with God. Everywhere is fine with me since my palace is my home and a home I create where I am.

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4 years ago

Your article is very amazing. Place is the part where we live in. Thank you very much. Carry on your post.

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4 years ago

place in this content is not necessarily where you live... it is more of were you currently are in life

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4 years ago

The motions of an individual in life must flow from that individual's palace or else.

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4 years ago

you fight again and again and you take success. then you create your place. god bless you

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4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. Yes it is only with true discipline that one can easily from their place to their palace. Quiting never solves any problem and it never will.

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4 years ago