Do actions really speak louder than words?

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most a times we keep hearing the phase :

action speaks louder words

But come to think of it... is this phase really true? well, I could say yes and and get a thousand reasons why that's not true and I could get a thousand reasons why that is not also true.

So, imagine a situation where you got a job offer and you are asked to write about what you can do and what value you can add to the their organization. In this scenario you would come to notice that words speak louder than action because the better your words placement and structure the more likely the company is going to hire you. Here was can say that your words would definitely speak more than your actions.

Then again, consider another scenario where by you got a job offer and you are asked to be present and as soon as you got there you are given a set of task to complete... like lets say if you are a programmer, you are asked to develop a software to carry out a function. You would notice here that what is required is your skill level... so you have to take action and complete the task. You don't expect words to complete the task do you.

The thing is i don't really think words are more important than actions or actions more important than words. There are situations that call for actions and also situations that call for words. It's left for us to figure out which is required in the current situation.

My point here is most time we hear a lot of quote and just jump to conclusion on them based on others view... life has a funny way a ditch out situation in the most complicated way so that person might have a different situation from yours when he or she wrote that quote... so we must analyze and make the best of what we have.

Words are as much important as actions

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Actions do speak louder than words but one thing I've also learned is you can't take back something negative you said to someone so watch the tongue as well

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4 years ago

well said, actions speaks louder than words but actions are not always required because the right words can turn away a wrought heart

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4 years ago

To me actions do speak louder.

We have the expression: no words but deeds! This means one can do the smooth talk, brag, promise everything but it doesn't mean he will or can do it too. Just small talk.

If you want something to change, be done you need to act.

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4 years ago

actions indeed speak loud but there situations as illustrated above that action is not required

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4 years ago

Words are also very important as mentioned in the article. Sometimes it just takes some beautiful and comforting words to change people’s lives

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4 years ago

you got it... words can work wonders when you use them rightly

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4 years ago

It is sane as picture spead thousand word. It beeter to show thans to talk .

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4 years ago

yeah in some case actions are required

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4 years ago

Words, actions both this i think important in their field of task. When you need to prove you by logic you need words. As here also we are trying to do something by words which we are transforming through writing.

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4 years ago

you got it right... there are time only your word are require to save a soul

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4 years ago

The two go pari passu. In some cases your words matter, but in some cases your actions are better used. Take a musician singing on a live stage as example, if he desires to change the beat; an action must be taken as a sign to the band not words.

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4 years ago

yeah that's a good illustration of actions importance

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4 years ago

It depends on the magnitude of the situation. It will be a good dilemma for a person weather word is more important or actions..It's depends on the situation ofcourse

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4 years ago

As for my opinion, let's see this scenario. Someone always say that he can do this, he can do that. But you can see through his actions that he can't. I think that's where the quote action speaks louder than words will enter and be applicable

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4 years ago

Words are truely as important not just actions alone

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4 years ago

Words will make people think nd feel less of you but actions will make them see u for who u really are and they will know what you can really do

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4 years ago

Ok that's good... Nice perspective. Keep earning... Welcome to

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4 years ago

Words produce the motivation to take action. Without words, actions wouldn't be put in motion Words really are important for taking actions. When you say it and write it down, action would be easy to take

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4 years ago

nice one... you have spoken well.. in most cases words and actions go together

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4 years ago

It is a very much sensational article i have ever seen.i think it is yes. A action is very much preperable than words

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4 years ago