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Written by
4 years ago

Good day, this is somewhat funny, I came online this evening to check my account and I saw the red notification flashing red. I clicked and saw a message saying there is an important message on my account. Somewhat perplexed because I haven't seen such notification before, I clicked on it and boom there the danger alert message was:

@Read.Cash, well I don't know how your system works but I can tell it's inaccurate.

Firstly, yeah I do have 2 accounts and that's it. Initially, I created one for my younger sister and one for myself but then her phone was bad so she couldn't make use of it, so instead of just leaving it dormant, I decided to continue using it on my laptop because I am more comfortable working with my PC than on mobile, and also I remembered you guys stating there was no big deal with having multiple accounts so I kept on using it.

I make us of my phone when I am out of the house and my pc when I am home, so I thought having two accounts was actually better, instead of having to transfer my account between my laptop and phone every time I wanted to use either. Later on, my sister fixed her phone and said she wanted the account back but I told had I already made a profile on it that she should just create a new one instead and she agreed and that's the account she has been using.

So those are the only accounts associated with my household but looking at your alert message now saying there are 4 or more accounts associated with my household is incorrect. The only accounts associated with my household are @phavvy , @lilsoftx and @Favour and only two of those accounts are in my possession. So I do not understand how your system generated its results.

Also the three accounts above sends BCH to same wallet on Luno because my sister doesn't have a wallet on her phone.

Then again, the major reason for this article is: with the current message your algorithm generated I do not know how to make it go away because firstly I do not have 4 accounts or more in my household secondly, do you say I and my sister cannot be members of If so how then are we suppose to grow. How do we preach the message about BCH if we can't tell those around us for fear that we might be penalized? On my @lilsoftx account, I have over 50 users I encouraged to join read cash and I was able to do that because they are people I know and they trust that whatever I showed them was reliable.

Then for the two accounts, I am making use of, if you guys changed your mind about having two accounts then no problem about that, I can easily let go of one account though it would be difficult to choose one. I know I am no longer active here on read cash as I used to be but I still do enjoy reading interesting articles from my favourite writers and tipping them when I can, also sharing my thoughts and getting others opinion was pretty nice but life is getting back together here in my country so I have to hustle for my daily bread now until school resumes.

So the major reason for this article is for the @Read.Cash team to please clarify me on what is actually the reason for this alert message. I know I don't earn much, so this dooesn't really make any difference but I feel this creates a stigma on me of which I do not find comfortable.

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$ 0.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for phavvy
Written by
4 years ago


I will not answer for them but they suddenly started to penalise multiple accounts. They still say it is okay BUT will result in a reduced number of points. It is a bit double, first to say it is okay and then start to penalise it without advance notice. They have a hard time to fight abuse but rules are sometimes changed a little too suddenly and unannounced.

Perhaps it is better if you email readcash about this problem. They have repeatedly stated that that is the right way to go.

I wondered were you had gone, I had not seen you post anything for weeks. Hoping you are doing well.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Truly I didn't know if emailing them was best because I saw an article were the team complained about receiving too many emails about such complaints, I felt mine might be ignored since it fell in that categories in away.

Yeah, life is coming back together here in my country, so I have to catch up with my daily routines so as to attain something tangible before school finally resumes. I did gain an affinity for over my time here but turns out I can't be as active as I used to and with all these new rules springing up every now and then without prioir notice... I might just have to lay it off, though I really don't want to but life has a go on. Soon the semester would begin again, exams and tests would be around the corner, I have to be prepared.

I would still try my best to be active when I can, probably to read your articles and those of other authors that I find interesting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It's true, life is so much more than readcash. I have not as much time for it either, as I had before, but I'm trying to post regularly. Anyway, all the best.

$ 0.00
4 years ago