Why YouTube Hate cryptocurrency? Talking about My BCH ADS

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3 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm just here to share some news about youtube, well sometimes I really don't understand how youtube works.

How Many times did you see those videos with Elon Musk, CZ Binance, Vitalik, which is clearly to steal crypto form people, those videos are everywhere including ADS on YouTube, I'm really tired to see that kind of ads almost every day.

So, Why? YouTube doesn't Approve My Video About BCH?

This video Got only 1k views and I'm trying to boost the reach with some YouTube Ads, but After a few days I'm almost Giving Up.

It's a nice video, showing the bitcoin.com wallet outside and showing how to use it anywhere.

Maybe next Time I'll input a QR CODE Saying that I'll send BCH back(just Kidding) maybe this way they Approve my ADS.

Reproved, Reason: Cryptocurrency.

I'll keep building of course and creating good content for BCH, but I need to find some good ways to boost our crypto audience.

Thank you all for the Support :)

I had to vent about this

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$ 0.73
$ 0.63 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Omar
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3 years ago


You already have a nice audience on YouTube!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, But I'm trying to put ads on MY BCH video, some of then go easy on youtube, and another are just deleted by google.

$ 0.00
3 years ago