What is happiness? Change your life.

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3 years ago

When somebody tells you it can’t be done, it’s more of an expression of their limitations, not yours ...

Change your life, for you.

Remember that, sometimes we need to stay strong and don't give up, several members of my family had problems with depression, it's something really hard to understand when we are not with that problem, because depression hit people in different ways, different problems, but something I can tell for sure is, Depression is the Biggest disease of this century, our modern life, Tell me, can you find a cure
When you can't see, and you can't feel the disease? There is no virus, no bacteria, just our mind, our problems, our Lifes.

I had my moments when I've started to feel depressed and this is something constantly in people lives when you see that your life has stopped, you are not going anywhere, just losing time, ME as an example, 3-4 years ago I was in a job that I had to travel 2.5 hours to reach there and 2.5 hours to go back, bus, subway, just with this I was losing 5 hours of my day, to work 8 hours for someone, I was really unhappy to lose such amount of time, most of the time when I was in the bus or Subway I could not even read a book or do anything, Brazil, more precisely, São Paulo, those services have so many people using that you can't sit, you need to travel stand all time, so, I was getting tired 2x time, one to work and another time just to go to work.

At this time I was studying in a course too, which consumes me a lot of time too but to learn something, but I had to travel more than 2 hours to go and go back in the home, so if you put the total time daily, I was Spending 7 HOURS a day, inside a bus.

I was waking up around 5 am and getting back home to launch at 12 pm, then coming to work at 14 pm, and going back home around 23-24 pm. Insane how many time I was losing, and I've talked about this to say a few words about Happyness because, like Depression, happiness is something totally subjectively, and I say this because, on this time, I took more than a year to start feeling sad, when some of my friends that had everything and don't even need to work was taking medication for depression, and then we can confirm, no matter what you have or not, this disease is a state of mind, and sometimes you need to find yourself and do what makes you feel better.

In the meantime, I've developed anxiety, which is crap, some times we want to go sleep but we can, this is another mind disease that most time we don't even know we have until we had the feeling on our heart, nights without sleep, thinking about everything going wrong, and sometimes without having the strength to go up the bed.

I took a decision back in time, that JOB, that study that my teachers almost not going there( yes, I took 2 hours a day a lot of times to get there and teachers not appear) I've left all of then, on that day and beyond I've prioritized my time, of course, I still need to work, but what I chose? Even earning less I would like to work close to my home, and then a few months later I got it, 30 min to reach my work, this saved me almost 5 hours of my day, to do anything that I Like, I can watch some movies, play games, exercise, anything, and to be honest this time I had made me feel better, no sadness like I was having anymore.

About this, look like something really crappy, I've bought a Ps4 when I was in that shit work, and The Witcher 3 was released, I bought it too, and guess what, I didn't have time to play it, I was working from Monday to Saturday, my free day o Sunday I had strength for nothing, just to rest, even playing the game stressed me, I just started playing it after leaving that shit job.

So, happiness is something different from people to people, in my case, my life was turning a wrecking ball due to the time I spent on things that were not giving me anything, I didn't have a hobbie, or read a book, nothing, just work, just 7 hours a day in a bus/subway, after leaving that my life started to become really better, I've started to prioritize my time, I want to have some free time to me, to do my stuff, and this is really important, we need that to not go crazy, happiness can be in some small things and we don't realize it some times, But, to find that essence of happiness inside you need to know yourself, understand what makes you feel better We need to be human. This is the first and most important step of all, because, to be happy, you also have to learn to feel all your other types of feelings, since they all go through your own head. So if, when you feel angry, you repress, you are repressing all the other feelings you can experience more. We need to learn to feel anger, sadness, envy, fear, jealousy. To let them flow and pass, because learning to deal with feelings will teach you to understand what is good, what makes you happy, many times people just accept a fact like in my example of staying 7 hours a day in a bus, the first step was to min understand that it did not make me well.

The most important thing is to know yourself, it is very important to develop the habit of looking within yourself and always finding that infinite source of happiness that is inside, in your mind, in your life. Even if it's 1 minute, we are often so busy that we don't even have time to think about our lives and try to understand what is happening, even before going to sleep you can enjoy and understand a little more, this will help you to follow this path, directions to follow the purpose, the moment to know who you are and follow the path with confidence, despite the stumbling blocks and difficulties.

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3 years ago


Happiness is solving problems, overcoming challenges, and living outside the comfort zone.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sometimes our being happy is not from the big things we do but little things that seems interesting to us

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree depression is the biggest disease of this century but also saying "I am depressed" is way easier said. Before we said "I don't feel well", or " I am a bit down at the moment" which is a huge difference.

The real depressed ones give up on life and do neglect everything and everyone. It's a disease that only gets worse the older you get and it runs into certain families.

We should ask ourselves what we lack if it comes to food, health but also the force and will to be active, study and work hard. If you struggle and fight there's not much time left for deeper thoughts. You fight, work, eat and sleep.

P.s. 23-24 p.m. doesn't exist. 👍🍀

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Happiness is how you view life in a positive way. There are a lot of reasons to be happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago