This is Bitcoin Cash - Portuguese Video

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3 years ago
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This is Bitcoin Cash - Portuguese Video

Hello everyone, let's keep spreading the word, I've made a small video, with a fast brief of bitcoin cash, this video is in Portuguese but you can check the transcription of the video below:

Hello, why use Bitcoin Cash?

Well, it’s fast, easy, safe, and decentralized

You can use it as a currency of your daily life and buy in stores much faster and safer

Not only that, but You can also send payment to people directly, with all the blockchain security, without intermediaries

You can also use bitcoin cash to buy online safely, without exposing credit card data for example.

This is the Future, I am shadow Crypto, and this is Bitcoin cash.

You can also generate the CC directly on the youtube when you are watching it :)

Thank you so much for the support, share the video everywhere.

$ 3.61
$ 1.41 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @emergent_reasons
$ 1.00 from @btcfork
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Sponsors of phabulu
Avatar for phabulu
3 years ago


Very Nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago