Testing something

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The story is always the same, every time bitcoin falls, some “economist” or website “specialized” in finance matters declares the digital currency as “dead”.

In Brazil, there is also no shortage of critics who, after 11 years of digital currency life, have not yet been able to understand the purpose of foundation of bitcoin (even if their documentation is only 6 pages long).

Out of ignorance, ignorance, or even channeling, these “critics” don't miss an opportunity to say “I told you so” every time bitcoin faces a downturn.

The strategy of saying "I told you so" reminds a lot of a "psychic" at the end of his career who "predicts" something random, like, "a natural catastrophe is going to happen this year", and when anything happens he says, "I didn't say!?

The fact is that the 99 bitcoins website has cataloged more than 350 stories from major newspapers around the world that have already “buried” bitcoin over the course of its 11 years of life, these sites have stated several times that it was the end of the digital currency or that she had no future.

The irony here is that the first website that declared bitcoin as dead is gone. Underground Economist did the story in 2010, saying the only thing that kept bitcoin alive (since 2009) was its "new" status.

"the only thing that’s even kept Bitcoin alive this long is its novelty. Either it will remain a novelty forever or it will transition from novelty status to dead faster than you can blink." - http://undergroundeconomist.com/post/1528511369

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At the newspaper.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The question is should we care about what they say? After an up comes a down. It is how it works with everything. The world will end too because it happened before.

The only thing that keeps any coin alive is faith. The USA is bankrupt since 2012 and the dollar is still alive. It says enough. 👍💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Trying new things is very important. I admire the entrepreneurs who think new ways to utilize the blockchain technology

$ 0.00
4 years ago

We all have downfalls, it doesn't mean we are weak. Sometimes, it is just a preparation for something new and stronger one. I believe bitcoin is not yet down, let's just say, it will rise again and that time for the better and with more strength.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The post is about testing something. We are cooking something we test it. This story is very nice . Thank you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Out of ignorance, ignorance, or even channeling, these “critics” don't miss an opportunity to say “I told you so” every time bitcoin faces a downturn.

$ 0.00
4 years ago