Sorry for the Delay, Some Updates BCH Brazil

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3 years ago

Hello everyone, some of you have been in touch with and asked about my plans after flipstarter campaign for To spread Awareness in Brazil, well, let me explain a little more.

The main thing of the flip starter I did is to go to some crypto events in different states here, and it's all fine, I've been just confirmed that I'll go to João Pessoa in January and make a meetup about BCH in there, I'll be putting together people interested in cryptocurrency to talk about BCH and show how great we are, more details soon. Yes, I didn't work on there yet, but I should be completing this quest in the next month, the reason for the delay was that uncertain caused by ABC, I was waiting for some more information about the fork so I can work in all the best information about BCH, now all this trouble is gone, and it's time to work on it.

Btw, I got tons of messages asking about the fork, some of my Crypto Friends knows That I'm one BCH fan, and they came to me to ask what was happening.

Another thing, is that I had a LOT, A LOT, of work in this past month, things should be more flexible now, and I'll start working on more BCH videos, tutorial, and more, you can already check that I have more than 5 videos about BCH in my channel, Speech, animated video, and more.

1- this one is a really good one:

2- I've done some giveaways in BCH for the Bitconf, more than 500$ - 1º -2º -3 º

3- This is Bitcoin Cash

And more...

Even with some low activity, I'm still working and I'm still with BCH.

Thank you all for the trust, and more news are coming soon.


$ 1.91
$ 1.56 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @majamalu
$ 0.10 from @Omar
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Avatar for phabulu
3 years ago
