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Well, I just came here to write about it, already 4am where I live and I'm almost 3 hours on bad trying to sleep, and I didn't get it.

Toke my smartphone now and watching some videos so the time can go by, sometimes I don't understand at all how my insomnia works, yesterday I've sleep very well and early, and today I was really sleepy but when I try to fall asleep it's simply doents happen..

Time to try some camomile tea and try it again.

Do you have any tricks to help with the imsomnia? Any tips to fall asleep when we need it?


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when i start working/studying i fall asleep instantly

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nothing too much I know about How To Cure The Insomnia. But, if I am also suffering from that kind of anxiety, I'm searching on the web site. What to do? And for some of my companion around the house.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Unfortunately, I know how you feel and do not have any solution.

They say a walk helps, not watching tv, computer, phone the last hour you go to bed, reading a book seems to make one feel asleep. Do not eat within the few hours you go to bed and hot milk (which is food)

I think the brain is too busy and being too tired can be a reason too but if it comes to it it all has to do with your bio rhyme.

We need hours of sun (Lux) at daytime and if the sun goes down not as switch on the light, watch tv, etc. All these lights upset the brain and make a chaos out of our bio rhyme.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yaap..insomnia is very also ruins our health...some drugs also causes we should avoid these kind of drugs..

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4 years ago

Word hard. Do regular exercise and Walk whenever you can. I think if you become tired then you can sleep well.

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4 years ago

Insomnia... Well I thought it was mostly caused by unease in the mind

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4 years ago

Don't sleep in the noon or evening. Then you will feel tired and maybe sleep will come into your eyes.. Or try to count 100-1

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4 years ago

hm, I don't really have much tips about not being able sleep because i don't sleep until very late so I often just sleep off

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4 years ago

Listen to sleep inducing music or binaural beats. Maybe this will help..

$ 0.00
4 years ago