Pet ownership and change in your life

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2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Dogs, Cats, Life, Freewrite, ...

How many times has a video of kittens dropped on your Facebook homepage made you smile in the middle of a lousy workday? Or can you resist a Golden Retriever rubbing against your legs while walking alone on the beach? Even if all these descriptions put a big smile on your face, if the idea of owning a pet makes you think, you should know that you need them as much as those little souls need you. These little ones who promise you unlimited and unrequited love are strong enough to change many things in your life!

Strengthens your sense of responsibility

The idea of having a living thing in your home that needs you in many ways gives a sense of responsibility especially to those who live alone. Doing things like freshening up food and water every day, cleaning the toilet bowl, walking outside and routine vet visits on a regular basis is almost like a parenting simulation!

Increases your empathy and observation power

Sharing your life with a creature who can't speak and can only tell its troubles with certain gestures allows you to keep all your perceptions open to understand it. Over time, you will understand that your cat / dog is restless or peaceful with a single paw movement, and you will understand that communication has a broad framework that does not only consist of speech.

Prevents stress-related diseases

The decision to adopt a pet is almost like starting a detox. Our little friends, who are extremely good for the tension caused by daily stresses and the health problems caused by them, keep the cortisol, which is secreted by the body in times of crisis and popularly known as the "stress hormone", under control. As this prevents many stress-related diseases; It also makes visible contributions to the issue of anger control.

Makes you more active

Living with a pet is like living at home with a child who never grew up. Cats and dogs, who want to spend a certain time every day playing and running, expect your participation in this sense.

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$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
Topics: Pets, Dogs, Cats, Life, Freewrite, ...


I have a cat and it always accompanies me when I get home from work

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, animals are such loyal friends. they are best friends

$ 0.00
2 years ago