Introducing Bitcoin Cash Perth Meetup Token (BCP)

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Avatar for perthbchmeetup
4 years ago

At the time of writing this article, there are currently 35+ BCH meetups happening across the globe with over 12K members. That's an average of over 300 members per meetup group.

Screenshot from:


Just over a year after the contentious fork, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) meetups have finally restarted in Perth as of January 2020. This wouldn't have happened without encouragement and support from people like Akane YokooHayden Otto and the team at

The current plan is to have monthly meetups every first Tuesday of the month. Our next meetup is scheduled for Tue 4 Feb between 6 pm - 8 pm at Restaurant 1903. If you are in Perth, we would love to see you at our meetup. 

What is Bitcoin Cash Perth Meetup Token (BCP)?

It is an SLP token that offers dividends to members who attend the Perth Bitcoin Cash meetups.

Ticker - BCP

Token ID - 7f5be72749f82bd52075b422f21ad9971d7fca5c818478d5602cb692e1eb415d

How do I get it? 

You earn BCP by attending Bitcoin Cash Meetups in Perth, Australia.

Organisers and co-organisers present at the meetup also get the same number of BCP tokens for their attendance just like any other member.

What can I do with it?

1 - Pay for merchandise at the meetup,

2 - Entry into raffles at future meetups,

3 - Collect dividends* in BCH and SLP tokens such as SPICEHONK and LEAD  etc.

4 -Bragging rights / Crypto collectible (more about this below) 

Why do we need SLP token for meetups?

Firstly, we want to engage with the members practically by showcasing the power and lightning-fast transaction speed of Bitcoin Cash and SLP tokens. The recipients of the tokens will be able to spend their tokens or any dividends they receive straight away without any delays. And that's cool.

Secondly, BCH Toronto Meetup has already successfully trialled this idea. Hanzo, the co-organiser of Toronto meetup explains in his article the benefits such as on boarding new comers, financial incentives for members to attend etc.

And finally, SLP tokens are fun, so why not?

Should all Bitcoin Cash meetups have their individual tokens?

We believe that "Meetup tokens" can become collectible items especially if every meetup has one. People can collect them as they travel the world and attend BCH meetups in different places. #BraggingRights

The Bitcoin Cash Perth Meetup Token (BCP) was created in a mobile web browser with zero programming knowledge. Yes, it's that easy.

Thanks to tools such as and native SLP support on wallet, creating and distributing digital tokens have never been easier. The ease does beg us to do this. 

Imagine a startup or business wanting to airdrop tokens/coins to BCH holders who are actively participating in the ecosystem. Meetup token holders would be an ideal candidate in this scenario.

Thoughts and ideas for future

Following the footsteps of our fellow peer to peer cash enthusiasts in Toronto, we will be building on this idea and work towards establishing multiple funding streams to have a consistent supply of dividends available for our meetup participants. Hanzo has discussed this in his article on "A Case for paying meet-up attendees BCH dividends"

Call for support

You can support our initiative by tipping this article and donating either BCH or SPICE to below addresses. All the tips and donations will be distributed to the members who attend our meetup this coming Tuesday.

Bitcoin Cash - bitcoincash:qrvg8smar79aqz3k6rnv2vj23qu9eq9t0sddlnuefu

SPICE Address- simpleledger:qrvg8smar79aqz3k6rnv2vj23qu9eq9t0spk5gfehz

LEAD Address - simpleledger:qrvg8smar79aqz3k6rnv2vj23qu9eq9t0spk5gfehz

*Disclaimer - While the organisers will endeavour to source funding, dividends are not guaranteed at each meetup. The actual amount and token/coin being distributed will be announced at the meetup. 

$ 0.00
Avatar for perthbchmeetup
4 years ago


Good luck, hope you have lots of success with your meeetup.

$ 0.01
User's avatar JZA
4 years ago

Thanks. We will do an update after our meetup.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Awesome article! I'm excited to see more BCH meetups creating and using their own tokens :)

$ 0.05
4 years ago

I'm pretty keen to see how this all turns out!

$ 0.01
4 years ago