You can still be happy without expectations

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2 years ago

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When there is no expectation, there will be less disappointment. Each and everyone of us here has been disappointed in one way or the other, especially when it comes to relationship. We no longer feel safe anymore in the relationships that we are in, that sometimes we stop expecting it to work the way we had wanted due to the numerous disappointments. The title of my article today shouldn't confuse or mislead you to think that you shouldn't expect anything good to happen to you. I am not saying that you should go for the things that are not good or suiting to your kind of life, or maybe allow those good dreams of yours to die off, or you should stop seeking for knowledge just because you don't want to be disappointed.

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When you truly understand that you can still be happy without expectations, then you while life will be filled with love and acceptance. You will feel great satisfaction from within when you learn and master the ways on how to stay happy without expectations.

Life isn’t owing you stop expecting and start accepting

This is where some of us get it wrong, we blame life for every bad thing that happens. Life isn't owing anyone anything, so stop expecting and start accepting. Expectation cause pains, what i really mean here is that when our reality doesn't go in line with the kind of expectation that you had, pains will set in. A lot of people at the beginning of the year had expectations of accomplishing outstanding things before the first 3 months, those expectation could have been getting a new job, dropping some bad habits, be the best amongst your peers, being promoted at your workplace. And when the reality doesn't match the expectations of such a person after the first 3 months of the year, they feel pain and cheated.

You can still be happy without expectations

Happiness has its own secret, and if you want to stay happy without having any expectation, you must know some of this secrets i will be sharing with you. Happiness comes from within, if you allow yourself to accept you for who you are, you are always grateful for the way things are instead of murmuring, if you're satisfied with the little you have, then happiness without expectations will follow.

Don't expect life journey to be a straight one. As long as you are still breathing, don't expect the journey through life to be a straight line to a destination. You will come across lots of unpleasant happenings, and you can as well draw out great lessons from this unpleasant happenings. When you have gotten the lessons your eyes will open to see that even without expectation, you can still be happy.

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Change what you see and say to yourself. My mentor use to tell me that "what you see is what you will become". We are a product of our own thoughts, what do you think of yourself? Do you think that you have to be rich before you can relate with people of higher status? Do you think that you need the validity of others before you can feel good? If this is exactly what your thoughts are, then you have succeeded in limiting yourself from realizing that you can still be happy without expectations. Change what you see and say.

Have the heart of forgiveness. Forgiveness like they will say is powerful. No one is perfect, whosoever had caused you pains or disappointment, you must forgive them. Keeping someone in your heart because they offended you will only distract you from achieving greatness. Free yourself from every guilt and watch how beautiful your life will turn out to be.

Be grateful for your life, make it a habit and you will soon come to the knowledge of how you can be happy even without expectations.

Thank for coming around today......

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2 years ago


Yes life is today's reality and tomorrow and illusion, it is not draw on a straight line like it is in a graph, so there is no need of expecting much from life, life can turn any body down at some point, then we don't have to kill ourselves we need to calm down while still hoping for betters days to come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Whatever life has for us, we should just accept it. Even if it is bad, all we need to do is work to improve on it. And if life sends good out way, gratitude is what we need to possess as a lifestyle.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed that's true if you don't expect from anyone then your life will be happier , expecting from humans is not always result in positivity so expect from no one to live happy life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People will always fail, its isn't bad to have expectations from people, but we shouldn't put all our mind there.

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2 years ago