You Are Still Growing, Allow The Process

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2 years ago

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That beautiful building you always admire anytime you are passing by wasn't erected in a day. It went through lots of processes to become something admirable, this should teach you a lesson to learn how to wait for those dreams of yours to grow. Have you ever followed an artist through the process of drawing a client, i have done this before, at first i doubted that it will never be possible for the artist to deliver the job. But i was shocked at the end when the drawing was concluded, it took the artist about a week to finish the job, the only thing the client was happy about was that it came out the way she wanted, she never thought of the disappointments, tiredness, stress the artist went through to deliver her job. She only celebrated the outcome of it, the process of the drawing gave me so much confidence that any good dream can be actualized if hardwork is put into it.

Sometimes you may not be patient enough to wait for the process to be over, i believe that the lady i discussed earlier wouldn't have had the patience and confidence to wait if she was around when the artist was doing her job. I never had any idea of what the drawimg will look like when it was finished, same with our goals in life. Since we don't know the outcome of it, being patient is really a hard thing to do as the actualization of the dreams will take a longer time to come. The building i have in the first photo took quite some longer period of time before it was actualized, and even at that maintenance process will be done from time to time to keep it still shining. Same thing with we as individuals, it took some years to grow into the person we are today, and the process of transformation or would i say growth still continues everyday.

It's always on the news almost every week that a building collapse, if the proper and right process was applied, such a building will never collapse. Just imagine that, that skyscraper you always admire when you are passing was not properly built, what would have become of it now? You will just wake up one day to hear on the news that the skyscraper has been brought down by a strong wind. But it is still standing strong till today because of the hardwork, patience, and precision that was put in it over the years. It solely depend on us if we want to use shortcuts to get to our dreams, or we dedicate our time, be patient enough, follow the process bit by bit with all amount of seriousness and focus to arrive at that beautiful destination.

It is okay if you have issues when it comes to being patient, but try to let yourself know that you really need to wait and follow the process slowly because that dream you want to build is going to need more time and hardwork. If you are patient enough to wait, the outcome of it will be so beautiful like the beautiful buildings, art works we have around.

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The process of growing cannot stop even after we might achieved our dreams, there is always more for me things to come in. Like the beautiful buildings we have around, there's always a time for maintenance, this helps to keep the building new. The journey to achieving our dreams don't seem to have an end even after getting what we were looking for, the journey still continues for sustainability of that dream. As a tree grows, its leaves changes, this means that our dreams are capable of taking a new shape as we change, and as long as we have a solid foundation which we built during the years, we can start from there to keep on building the new dreams. Always be proud of yourself because you are getting much more closer to achieving your goals. Don't fall on the way, move with that positive strength with which you started the journey with because that beautiful dream is waiting for you.

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2 years ago


I agree. We should really be patient in the process of working to achieve our dreams. They do not come true overnight. We need to work for it over time. The more we wait, the sweeter the moment is when it finally arrives.

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2 years ago

I will always trust the process

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2 years ago