Writing Is Just Amazing

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2 years ago
Topics: Writing

Lead Image Source : Unsplash

Hello everyone, it's so good to be back here again after a long while. It wasn't intentional that i absent myself from here, but due to some ups and downs, i had no other choice than to take a break.

Before i go into what i have to share with us today, i want to use this medicine to say a very big thank you to @Talecharm for seeing the best in me. I got a notification that i have a new sponsor, i was surprise to see that it is her. Joy filled my heart immediately, the motivation i got was out of this world. Thank you so very much for this support, now i know that all my effort here is not in vain.

The sponsorship inspired me to come up with this article, it's not going going be a long one, but i hope you get something out of it.

Sometimes we are too comfortable and relaxed at where we are and forget to seek for change. Few days ago when i was inactive here, a lot happened toel me that made me realized that i am sliding back into my old self, character, and behavior. Every night i wouldn't stop crying, seeking for ways to deliver myself ones again. I forgot so soon that i have a special lifestyle which is capable of taking me out of this mess i am in 'Writing'.

When i realized this, with a teary eye, i got hold of my pencil, picked a notebook and started writing. All i wanted to see myself write at that moment was how grateful i am, how truly i love myself, my thoughts at the moment, and suddenly my teary eyes got dried up gradually. I was so happy that I've got a tool to fight bad moments.

It was so difficult for me to tell my feelings to anyone, but putting it into writing really helped me a lot. If the little i wrote could help push me out of my same moment, then i see writing a saving tool. It brought thjs feeling of newness upon me which made me felt better.

I just hope that someone reading this will get inspired and get help too. Making writing a part of us will be so nice because there are situations we go through which we can't share with anyone, keeping it inside of us will cause more problem to us. This is were writing plays a great roll in our healing process, putting down those things on a paper will give us the feeling that we have let it go off our mind.

Writing is a force itself, and it is so powerful. It has the ability to pull you out of sad moments everyday. When we do it consistently it will become part of us, and through this we might get smarter and wiser.

Life has a lot in it, both the good and the ugly moment. If unfortunately you are hit with the ugly moments, find something within that will keep you standing firm and strong even in your darkest days. I wouldn't be here today to celebrate the sponsorship i got if not for the short moment i got myself writing about me. If you've not discovered what will work for you, i encourage you to pick a person and a jotter and start writing. Whatsoever will make you happh, just write it down and observe how you will get better and better gradually.

From today, i will not stay far away from writing because it is my source of strength and inspiration. The next time you feel rejected, sad, just write and you will feel better again

Don't let anything stop you from discoverimg that thing that brings you light, if writing seems not to work for you, don't lose hope. Keep searching for your own saving tool. You are worthy of every good day that comes

Thank you for reading!!!

$ 1.80
$ 1.78 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Ling01
Sponsors of pejudear
Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Writing


Keep your heart burning in writing. We have the freedom to write our thoughts and let's aim this opportunity :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is something i will never let go. In the process of writing i learn the more. It is my saving tool

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love writing. It makes my soul sane and free.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ya, you are right. Nothing is as good as writing cos it helps one to feel relaxed and through it you can understand who you really are

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're really saying the truth here friend writing is so fantastic and amazing in the sense that it's keep inspiring you as you keep writing it, I would likely said don't teach a writer what to do just give him a paper and a pen then live the rest for him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Writing is something you develop from the inside of you, it can never be taught.

$ 0.00
2 years ago