Why Not Me?

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2 years ago

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It's a beautiful moment today and it's been a while i have not shared new articles here due to the fact that i was so busy throughout the week. I hope everybody is doing fine and great here. 8 know i have missed a lot of great articles, wow!! I have a lot of articles to read in my notification box.

This morning i got the inspiration to write on the talked topics ever, OUR GOALS. We are so worthy of every of the goals we would ever think of and each and everyone here has goals in life, we have dreams that we wish to see them come true, we deserve a kind of life that has no stress in it. Right now i want you to reflect back on those goals that you have, those dreams and aspirations that keeps you alive, and active each time yoi think about them. We have a lot of goals in life, those ones that will scare you, goals that will make you to think of doing crazy and extraordinary things, its always fun. Some people go for adventures that looks so impossible and scary, oh yeah this are goals too, and this people are always determined to make sure they achieve those goals.

As long as you have this goals, as long as you have this aspirations, nothing should stop you from achieving them, not even fear, not even what negative people will say to you. Because if you want to listen to what this toxic people will say, you will never achieve your goals in life, you will never get better at anything, you will never gain knowledge. Your has the ability to open you up to gain more knowledge about a lot of things, about your life, who you really are, and your abilities. So if you consider what people will say to you, the response and feedbacks you get from negative people, the might limit you, you won't ever get to know who you really are, why you were created and for what purpose.

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But if you so believe in yourself and pursue your goals with all of your heart, your mind, your soul, and with total focus, you will always get a better you. I mean it, the result you will get will marvel you. Sometimes our goals in life will always look big that instills in us this fear that we will never achieve them. Personally i do imaging seeing myself trying to do things that are so extraordinary, and since i so beliein myself in my imagination, i will achieve those things. A lot of things will cause us not to pursue our goals, sometimes it's the fear of the competition that we that is around us, we are so frustrated when we see other people achieve their goals with ease and no too much sweating and struggling, it just came to them just like that. Seeing this will always get us frustrated making us feel inferior, that we are not strong enough, not even competent to pursue those goals of ours.

I wouldn't say i have not experience this before, i have been there several times and i know exactly what it feels like seeing your peers make it in life while you are still struggling to fight fear. Tou watch other people achieve their goals and you ask yourself, Why can't i get to this point in life like this other person?. Friends let me tell you with all amount of boldness that you have all what it takes to reach your goals, what is limiting you is your mindset. Everyone of us were created with special abilities, the other person might have the abilities you don't have, but you are good at something compare to the other person. If you have an 100% focus on how you can fight you way through to achieving your goals, friends let me tell you it's so possible, no matter how big the dream is, it's so possible that you can get the kind of life you have been desiring to get.

Reading up to this point, you will be telling yourself that you are not worthy, strong, and competent enough of reaching your goals. But i want to tell you that you are so worthy, so good enough for anything. You have no reason to say that you can't achieve your goals, and if your dreams fuels your passion, you see yourself getting to the point of bringing those dreams to reality, you should have this confident assurance that those goals are achievable. Just change your mindset to see how great you, and how gifted you are. Sometimes i imagine myself accomplishing great tasks, if you can see this about yourself then success is guaranteed.

What you see is what you will become. What are you seeing friends? Begin yo see yourself achieve those goals, don't ever look down on yourself, you can always create impacts even in the midst if great minds. Don't speak negative about you like ' I am not worthy, don't ask yourself why not me', just be truthful to yourself, never allow other peoples successes intidate you.

Those goals that you have might look big and scary, but the risks involved in it is what makes the journey interesting, and it is challenging us to put more effort in pursuing those goals. Don't even have this fear of failing. Yes along the way you will always fail, but when this happens grow above it and learn from it. Every failure has a great lesson in it to teach you, what you learn from it will make you get better and more wiser than before. The mistakes you make on your way to achieving your goals act as a stepping stone that will take you closer to achieving your goals. I am challenging you this very moment to begin to see that you are so deserving of those goals of yours, your are strong, competent, and even worthy of everything good. Speak positive about yourself, grow above fear of making mistakes, have a positive mindset that yes you can always do it. And believe that truly yes you can do it.

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Thank you for reading!!

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2 years ago


We can truly achieve everything we want in life it's all depends on our mind set, we all have ability and the capability to succeed in particular thing but most reasons is what we called fear, I usually said that they are power that is in us that if we could discover them and use them would make us the best of ourselves. No body born with an excellent grade we all learn and develop it, then we function in some areas of life.

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