Peju's Corner: Forgive And Refresh Yourself So You Can be More Effective

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2 years ago
Topics: My thoughts

Take Breaks Love, Forgive And Refresh Yourself So You Can be More Effective

Time does not cheat anybody, it is favorable to everyone. How you use it matters a lot......1440 minutes, 86,400 seconds, and 24 hours is what we get everyday. How do you exhaust this time?

It is always so frustrating when you don't utilize the complete time we have in a day well, sometime we get angry over it. Our time is renewed everyday, which amounts to 24 hours. We can't delay it, or make it run according to how we want it. Time they said waits for no one. In this 24 hours each day gives to us freely, we have to take breaks and make ourselves feel loved, refresh your mind so you can be more effective and useful.

Everyone set goals for every new day. Take for instance we that are here, aside writing and being active in the site, we have other things to take care of outside here. And sometimes we give ourselves targets to complete like ten tasks in a day. It is so okay if your are able to complete half of the task, just trust the process and remind yourself that you still have another day and fresh time to get those things done. Take breaks and be kind to yourself, and also get refreshed so that you can be more effective.

Although time waits for no one, don't be angry with yourself that you were not able to accomplish those things you had expected. Be refreshed for a new start, if you are sound, whatsoever happens won't disturb you. Have compassion on yourself even when you couldn't meet up those goals you set for youself. You will always get things done later, what matters the most is that you train your mind to stand strong. Trust the process and remind yourself that you are not doing bad afterall.

People will see you as a lazy fellow, or worst a failure because you were not able to make use of the 24 hours wisely. Don't allow their negative feedbacks make you see yourself the same way they do, it is so okay if you were not able to utilize your time well. What matters most is that you spare our some quality time in that 24 hours to make out time for yourself. Above every goals we set for ourselves, our own wellness should come first.

Tomorrow will present to us another fresh 24 hours, make sure to take some break and love yourself, treat yourself well, forgive yourself for every mistake made. If your sense of wellness is sound, then every other thing will be settled.

You Have Messed Up, And So?

Never forget that there is always another chance to always start afresh. The happenings of life are inevitable, life can never be predicted even by the best magician in the world. It is so important in our lives to have this consciousness that no matter what happens, the level of mistakes made, we should be able to forgive and have compassion on ourselves......instead of being ashamed, we accept and give ourselves a cool hug, then try again.

At some point in our life, we reflect on how life is unfair to us, and how we could have done better for ourselves and others. We make decisions to get better at doing a particular thing, then suddenly life throws us off our feet and the later story is different from what we had in mind. Remind ourself that we are only human, and that we can never be perfect, that sometimes we messed up, and there's nothing so bad about that.

Some days we tend to be the best version of us, and some days it feels like we don't know our left to right, we make decisions that will land us in great mess where it will take some time before we recover from it. It is so okay to have this experiences. Mistakes were meant to be made, what will make us stand out and also define our true worth is when we are able to forgive ourselves, give ourselves the best hug ever and hope to do better next time.

Don't hate yourself because you unknowingly or knowingly did something that put you in a big mess, even with this it is so important to tell yourself how much you love and value you despite the mistakes you made in the past. Tell yourself that you will try all your best to do better and anytime things don't go as expected, keep on trying. Don't forget so soon that despite what happened, you can always start afresh. Lets keep on showing more love and compassion to ourselves even when we've messed up.

Give Yourself Compassion During Criticism

Before now we should know that it's not everyone that will like the decisions we make concerning our own life. They will always find something to talk about, critcize everything about us. If we don't really trust ourselves, we might fall for their negative talks. It is something that will be painful to any individual when they see other people not accepting anything they do.

We can strive to be perfect in all our endeavors, yet still people will still go ahead to criticize it. Even if we own the best delivery service in town, we will still have people that will criticize it. Not everyone was meant to accept what we do, we will always come across people who don't accept our work. That's okay.

When we are faced with this kind of situation, we should stand up for ourselves and not allow the negative feedbacks this toxic people give make us feel bad or look down on ourselves. We shouldn't give chance to those negative perception to hold us down, what matters the most is our own thoughts concerning our life. So even when other people don't like you or what you are doing, it is important to pick up such a great opportunity and give ourselves more love and equally accept what we are doing.

Personally, i don't give attention to criticism that won't better my life. I can never cry over other people's critics on my work, or decisions. I so believe in myself. Why people criticize other people's work, or decision is because they don't really understand it. They just want criticize it because that's what they feel they need to do. We can never work our ways out to make everyone like us, and that tells us that we will never be attracted to everyone. No matter how hard the critics comes, it shouldn't change who we are and what we believe.

There's nothing sweet like being true to our own self. Stay focus and committed in actualizing those beautiful dreams of ours. We will always have people that will stand by us just to give us all the support we will need. Don't ever let the perception of toxic people limit you, stand tall and believe in yourself.

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2 years ago
Topics: My thoughts


If we hate ourselves who then will love us? There is much need in loving ourselves, the moment we love ourselves that is where other people will show insterest in us also, but if we become selves haters that is exactly how people will also hate us.. Time is very very important in people's life once you miss it, you miss it, there is nothing a man can do to stop time, if at all you try to stop it you will only stop the clock but not time,

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To get the love and acceptance from other people, we must first love and accept our own selves. Time is so precious, that when it is gone, nothing can bring it back. So it's better we utilize it well cos we will never get it again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, that's awesome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for reminding us to make use of our time wisely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate that. And thank you for coming around. You'll always remain the best. Time is too short to be wasted, it will be good enough if we utilize the 24 hours we get everyday well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Time and tide waits for no man, thus goes the adage, and even when we struggle to keep up with the pace of time, we shouldn't feel dejected, but rather pick ourselves up and start all over again. Nice Lesson here.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have made a very good and interesting contribution. So happy that you found some great lessons in the article, i appreciate that. Thanks for coming around.

$ 0.00
2 years ago