My Country's Political Scene by 2023

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2 years ago

The year 2023 should be regarded as one of very important year in the history of Nigeria because of the pending election lunched towards it. Pending the election and the formal handing over of power, the whole world will continue to wonder whether the new president that will be elected will be a reasonable man of principles or a proud and beauty figure head; whether he will be a blind batimus doting on self appointed advisers who will lead the nation inexorably to doom or a wise and sober state-man who will be able to conduct the affairs of the nation deliberately and cautiously in the interest and safety of the nation. Stopping to observe what has been going on in the nation especially in the past few months, one is bound to think that most of our political aspirants are self-minded. That is to say they've got more interest for themselves than the nation.

This self minded politicians whom we should take note of, have no spirit of national leadership in them. To me, it's high time Nigerian starts searching for good leaders and leave this deceitful politicians to stay out of the scene. Nigerian should start now to search for someone who will do the job and not for the one who should be airing mind that 'Nobody undertakes a trade that he has not learnt, and yet everybody thinks himself sufficiently qualified for the hardest of all the trades - government.

The person who should be elected to lead this nation should be a man of good morals and a self-disciplined man. It is even pointed out by church leaders that when political contestants search for power without the respect for God and man, it is inevitable that they will be caught up with nemeses. It is now our own chance to pray to God for spiritual awakening and regeneration in the months ahead.

All images from HERE

To mass media practitioners in the country, i would like to tell them that as political campaigns are gathering momentum, they should desist from allowing themselves to be used as vehicles for spreading hatred, sectionalism, tribalism, religious intolerance, and rise of indecent languages. The mass media should not be used to incite but to educate. Our journalists should bear in mind that we are standing at the crossroad of history and in the interest of the nation. It is not a moment like this that should allow the consideration of short-term advantage, pride and prejudice to becloud our sense of propriety and good judgement. We should not allow room for shallous, self-appointed, ill-informed, self-centered, and destructive criticisms, because with different political parties and ideology springing up everywhere, it is imperative that the mass media should rise above sectional interest and petty jealousy which could be deceitful and self-defeating. Since our success in the building of a great nation depends on the press, our mass media men should be on their guard against any deliberate attempt by any person or group of persons who will try to create areas of conflict thereby causing a breach of national peace and security.

While begging and journalist to write us up and not down, we should also pray to God to lead us successfully through this transitional period. Should we hope that 2023 will be a successful year as far as Nigerian political scene is concerned.

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago


The forth coming election will really determine if our lives will change for the better, it will determine if the country Live will change for the better, it is all good to strat praying for now

And also we should pray for the mass media, especially the journalist that God should protect them and they should be use for good will and not against thier will

Thanks for the post

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I see you're new here. You are welcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mist importantly everyone should try and get their pvc and vote the right candidate. Our vote should count if we do the right thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those people at the top won't say the same thing. Let the will of God prevail.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hope your country will have a good leader by 2023..hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, i hope so because it will be the best thing that would've happen that time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Friend that has always been my earnest prayers everyday. I wouldn't need a leader that will take us backward again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not again. We have already suffered a lot. It shouldn't happen a second time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago