Moving Forward

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2 years ago

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Moving yourself forward with the experiences of your yesterday..... That is growth!!!

Anything that has life in it will always grow. As individuals with life in us, we tend to grow on every side, that most of the time we don't notice it. Growth is inevitable, we can never avoid it because as long as we are going through life we will always grow into a different person, and the most important aspect of growth is where we should be concerned about is the kind of person we want to grow to become.

It is always surprising to some of us because the things we were never able to do when we were still very much younger, we are doing them now with struggle. While i was still a young child, i couldn't lift a gallon of water past my waist level, it was so difficult as at then but the story is differnt today.

To you my beautiful reader, at this very stage of your life, you are doing the things you could never do few years back, those things you saw as impossible,but now the story have changed. Growth has placed you on the platform were you are now able to speak up in a public gathering without fear of doing mistakes, fight fear, and even do the very things that normally scare you back then. I know you are always happy and proud of yourself when you come to the knowledge of the change that has happened within you.

Sometimes we are too busy that we forget to be grateful for how far we have gone in life in terms of growth. That moment where we sit down to reflect back on our past life and be proud of our humble selves for the process of growth we have gone through is missing. Sometimes we are not to be blamed for this because most at times we as individuals seek for shortcuts to get quick solutions to our problems.

Our dreams would never skip our thoughts as we imagine how beautiful they will turn out to be if they come to reality the same way we thought about. Dreams will always take some time before they become reality, and since we are not patient enough to wait for that time to come, we get discouraged and abandon the dream.

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This is so wrong, even if the journey in pursuing our dreams seems slow, at least we should have the heart of being grateful for even having the vision, and we even neglect ourselves the celebration of those little victories we have been having in the process of growing.

Friends lets just be true to ourselves acknowledging the fact that we have a goal which is already running, by this we can be grateful for our growth, even when it seems like it is not running at the speed we expected it to run. But as long as the growth is there, don't be frustrated that it is slow and it is not allowing you to reach your goals at the time you set for it.

Within you, pause for a moment and be proud of your humble self for reaching that point in life where you can do the things that seemed unrealistic and impossible to you few months back. Be grateful for this growth because you are better than who you were yesterday.

Every of the experience we have had in the past have contribute in shaping us to who we are today. That is growth...... We should never dream of stopping to grow, if we do then we are dead. Imperfection and mistakes will always set in while in the process of growth, but we should have this mindset that we are more wiser, competent, and good enough today than we have ever been in the past.

We have gone far in the process of growth, and if we find ourselves stucked in the mess of today, we should just smile because we have all what it takes to scale through every obstacle along the way. Those experiences you had in the past are good enough to help move you forward in life, and without those experiences your mind will never be opened to the ideas and solutions you have today.

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Just know this, no matter how slow the journey to your dreams may seem, those experiences will build you up to be more patient enough to wait for your dreams to fully mature and ready for actualization. Lastly, always be grateful for your present position in life, it matters alot.

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Thank you for reading.....

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2 years ago


It is very good to push forward ourselves through our past experience, experience is the best teacher they say and through experience we gather momentum and skills to move forward and succeed. There are many things that we couldn't do in the past but as time goes we can do it perfectly now without making mistakes, we can do it very comfortable without being scared or thinking if we would be mock by people.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is growth at work my dear friend.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What has really helped a part of my life is the experience I had some years back. I learned most of the things I know now from it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like i rightly said in the article, those experiences you had be it good or bad will always have a role to play in an individuals life. Lots of lessons are in it to learn from.

$ 0.00
2 years ago