Make Your Life More Beautiful With Your Smile

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2 years ago
Topics: Beautiful, Smile, You, Life

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Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

- Thich Nhat Hanh

Have you smiled today? Have you been told by a friend or colleague how beautiful you are when you smile?

This is the one thing that our creator has given to us that makes life beautiful every time. It's almost becoming an anthem to me, people keep telling me how beautiful i appear whenever i smile. A lot of us here are so blessed with beautiful smile, but sometimes we misuse it for something ugly, instead of using it to beautify our lives the more. We have that beautiful smile but what behind it is so ugly, we bury our ugly self in it. What the world sees is different, they see someone who is so okay with life, doing pretty good. They have been blinded by your smile that they fail to see that you really need help. Sometime it's not always our fault that we mask ourselves with our smile, but the advice we get from people, and this advice does not help in any way. Might have been that we were told to hide our feelings with a smile. This gives the impression that things were so okay with us when it wasn't.

We should know the kind of advice that will be better for us. Instead of making your life more ugly with your own smile, why no do it the other way round, make your life more beautiful with your smile. Don't fake it because of what the society says, it is so healthy to smile as much as we can. Be truthful to yourself and do all you can to express that happiness in you with that beautiful smile of yours. Smiling will not only make you happy but it will make you feel better from within, and such a genuine smile is contagious. Don't ever use it as a mask to hide your ugly feelings, but express it with a pure mind.

Smiling has everything to do with positivity and not negativity, so instead of putting your face down, find strength and look up, be happy and smile. Your smile should never be used as a mask to hide those sad feelings. Whatsoever we are going through, just let it out, be truthful to ourselves and never hide it. I just know how sad and lonely it feels to only that you have been using the precious gift our creator gave to us the wrong way just because of the advice we get from people. I can never advice you to do such a thing, faking your smile when all is far from okay with you. I encourage you to be truthful to yourselve, spend some good quality time alone until you come to the knowledge that you are worthy of happiness. If you can do this one thing for yourself, you will see how strong and good you are, your life tends to get moment by moment with that beautiful expression you have in you. With this every smile you put up for people to see will be real and sincere.

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The moment you have gotten to the point where you have knowledge of your own strength and what you are capable of doing, fear won't grip you anymore because you are conscious of the fact that bad days will always come, days that you don't feel like putting up that beautiful expression. All i will say is give yourself some time to heal, always remind that after a while everything will be okay, as you have another chance to try again. Never give up on that second chance even if it seems like it's not going to come.

You have gone this far to still remain as you were before. Don't hide behind your smile, just be yourself and be sincere. Make your life more beautiful with your smile.

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Thank you for reading.....

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2 years ago
Topics: Beautiful, Smile, You, Life


I know when I smile, it brings out the beauty in me. Smile has always helped me to get out of worry and believe all will be well even if we are going trough some rough moment then. Keep smiling 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Smile brings along this magical healing when you express it. Yeah!! We should keep smiling, every moment of the day if possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't smile too much but when I do, it is always beautiful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's good, but you should make it more better by smiling at every moment you've got. Your smile also has what it takes to beautify another persons life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes, it takes a lot for me to smile because people are looking for your weaknesses in your laughter

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Be truthful to yourself, don't try to impress anybody because its got everything to do with you. If you are having some weaknesses, try to fight your way out of it, and when that smile comes, it should a genuine and sincere one.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not a smiling type of person because of my ugly face. Many said that I am strict because my smile according to them is costly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one was ever created ugly. You are beautiful dear. Don't mind what people will say, your happiness is more important here. Let out that smile and make your life more beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago