Love Yourself

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2 years ago
Topics: Self-love

No matter what you do, who you are, and where you come from, don't expect everyone to like you. It's so weird that i am beginning my article by saying such unkind but true words. Don't stop reading, continue as i know that you will learn something from it. It is not always so pleasant to hear that not everyone likes you no matter how you go extra miles to please them. It is something that everyone needs, that attention from people, we do all our best to be right in everything that we do so that people will like us. Sometimes we neglect ourselves that comfort and happiness just to ensure people liked us.

If we live our lives this way, it will cause a lot of damage to us. We will end up giving less attention to our own personal needs, just to make sure we do all we can to make people love us. And also this could make us take wrong decisions in life, choosing the wrong kind of people because we need someone to love us.

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You can do without the love of everyone. You are so unique and special, so don't let people decide if you stay happy or not.

You are so unique to let this mentality of "If people don't like me for who i am, that means i am not doing my best". Until you clear your mind of this wrong and negative thought, you will never get to know how special you are, the kind of potentials you are loaded with. Stop showing up for people who don't need and respect you and start showing up for yourself.

If you have had the thought of always pleasing others so that they will love you for a long time now, and you have seen the need to clear your mind of such thoughts. It may not be easy, but with patience, time, and growth, you can deliver yourself. This is when you will see the need to put all your strength in loving yourself. When you start giving yourself that love you've depriving it of just to please other people, your imaginary eyes will be opened for you to see that doing what makes you happy, and being your true self is what adds value to you and the world as a whole.

The moment you start loving yourself, it will be so clear to you that not everyone will love you. Be the source of your own happiness, don't let people decide this for you. Some people will always want to frustrate us to make sure that we see ourselves as not good enough, this kind of people were not meant for us. And we should do our best to minus ourselves from the midst of their kind.

You might walk into people discussing bad about, giving wrong feedback about you. If you can, just smile and walk away, don't let their negative discussion sink into your mind that will make you forget the thousands of positive things other people who truly loves and respect you have said about you. I know very well that such negative feedbacks about you will make you feel bad giving the impression that you are not good enough at anything.

Don't let the negative feedbacks you hear about yourself weaken you from pursuing your goals in life. Be patient with yourself, show yourself some love, brace up, see those negative feedbacks as motivation, and continue to surround yourself with the right people. People who are positive minded. Even in those negative feedbacks, you have great lessons to draw from it. Whatsoever they say you are not good at, develop yourself more in that area and proof to then that they can't stop your shine. Keep pursuing your dreams and stop counting the number of people that loves you for what you are doing. Do what makes you feel happy and not the other way round.

Everyday as you wake up, just have this at the back of your mind that it's not everyone that is going to love you. No matter how good a person is in a particular career, there is that one person that will always criticize any contribution they make. This kind of people are everywhere, so expect some critics from them also. Its our place to know that there is no one person like us out there, no other person has the potentials we have and this makes us unique. The world see us as great fellows because of how unique and gifted we are. So we shouldn't waste our time and energy in doing things that will displease us just to please the wrong people. Don't wait for everyone to love you, give yourself that love because you are that one person who truly loves you for who you are.

Lead Image Source: Unsplash

Thank you for reading!!

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Self-love


You will be fine all by yourself. You don't have to worry. You will attract the right person sooner or later

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We have to love ourselves especially when you find out that people don't admire us , so the only thing we can do is to start showing love to ourselves we shouldn't let people feelings about us to affect us in one way or the other loving our ourselves is the key to our happiness..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very true my friend.

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2 years ago