Live your life to the fullest. Cos there might be no second chance to do that

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2 years ago
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Happy Sunday to every person on this platform. It was an awesome moment in the presence of God. I enjoyed every part of the service today, hope you went to church today. I guess you did, I am so happy for you there. I have been away for three days bad!! It wasn't intentional, but at some point life had to pull me back a little. I am glad I came out stronger than before.

If only life could go as imagined... If only we could wave our hands in the air and the miseries surrounding us are wiped out forever... If only at the snap of a finger clouds of despair disappears. But all of this are just happening in our head. Life has some principles guarding it, so things don't just happen anyhow. In life, everyone has their own share of what life has to give, no one is excluded. One can be excluded from sharing in the ups and downs of life the moment he or she sends out the last breath in them. Every man's life is packed with different things. So it is the responsibility of the an to decide how interesting they want their life to be.

Shutting the doors of the mind from tasting bitterness does not evade the possibility of despair, it only increases the possibility of it. Before one could read a book and have full understanding of what is written in it, they must go through every page one after the other. If any page is skipped, understanding the book will be difficult. Same thing with life, if any page of it is skipped, the next page of life will look confusing and difficult to understand. Nothing will make sense if we don't touch every pages of our lives.

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Life is centered on accepting our flaws instead of complaining about it. Coming up with ways to tackle every problem is what life is all about. When we come to the knowledge of our inhibition, from that moment every of our life's problem will start loosen themselves up. It is important to know that the longer our problem stays untouched, the more difficult it will be to slove them. It is necessary to deal with all of them the moment life throws them at us. Running away from the storms of life is not the best to live life.

If we live our life with the mind of what will become of us tomorrow, we will not enjoy life to the fullest. It is so good to plan for the future, but not necessarily okay to spend of every moment of your life doing that. Life is only lived ones, there is nothing like second chance. Live your life to the fullest, make sure every moment of it is filled with pleasant and amazing memories. How long we will spend on earth is not assured, so it is up to us to make use of the opportunity we have now or never.

Thank you for reading. So much happy to have you around....

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2 years ago


This is true, enjoy your life, your money, your time and other resources when you have them because we don't know when it's the "call up" day. But this doesn't mean we should live carelessly or squander everything at once, still have tomorrow in mind even though it's not guaranteed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We only live once, that is why we should live the life we have to the fullest. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, we should live life to the fullest. Always reminds the goodness and peaceful living with God. I love God so much from the rest of my life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How I wish in just a swish of our hands, all the problems would be gone. But you know, that's not how our life works.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is a wonderful gift and it is a waste if we don't live it to the fullest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is a gift, so we should live it the way we wanted.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should live the best life as long as we have the opportunity to do so.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Every moment of our lives matters. We should make sure we utilizes it the right way.

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2 years ago