Little Things Matters

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Happiness

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“It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.”
-Arthur Conan Doyle

Every small thing about life can mean so much compare to those big things we think of. Treating yourself with those little gestures throughout the whole day is far more better than spending the weekend without joy. When you spend time enjoying this simple pleasures, life becomes more comfortable and satisfying. In life little things matters and if you are happy about those things in your life that seems so small and insignificant, you are the most luckiest person on earth because you are blessed. A very few people today show gratitude to the little things they have, if not big, then it is nothing to them.

Being grateful for the little things we have brings about happiness in us. I hear people say, i don't have any reason to be happy. Such people can never find happiness if they don't value the little things they have. Every little pleasure, gesture, should be able to move you, and make you happy as well. Looking for a reason to stay happy will never be part of you because you value every little thing that you have. Smile will never seize to be on your face because of this.

Life is too short to waste it on waiting for big things to come, live life to the fullest by enjoying the little things you have now. Only through this can happiness set in. It could be enjoying the view of the sunrise or the cool breeze of the evening, enjoy the moment and make some amazing memories out of it.

Lets jump into another page of this amazing topic to see some of the little things that can bring you happiness if you value them.

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Dinner with family

You might see it as just an insignificant or a normal thing, but time with family is so precious. Sometimes we are too busy with our own personal life that we forget our family, that special time we set aside for our family is missing. There is so much joy when we have dinner our family, you get to talk about things that will make everyone laugh, know the successes of each member of the family. That little time you eat dinner with your family can bring about total satisfaction and happiness in you. Whatsoever you are grateful for is important to you, no matter how small or poor your family may look, be grateful for the having them around, value their existence as well. And this will bring happiness to you.

Don't fake, be who you are and love yourself

If you value yourself, no matter where you are, who is watching you, you still be your truth self then happiness will be a huge part of your life. Never try to impress anyone, give yourself the love it needs, value it and watch how your life will be colorful. Don't wait until you have much before you can love yourself, those little gestures like cuddling yourself, having breakfast in bed, watching the sunrise and many more can bring you happiness.

Giving to others

Most of the time i hear people say that they don't have enough for themselves why then should they give to others. Giving is a two side thing, the reciever is happy for the gift, and also the person giving out the gifting also happy. If we value the act of showing kindness to people through giving, then we shouldn't look for reasons to be happy or reasons to smile either, this alone has a great impact on our own happiness.

Appreciate your own efforts

It so normal that every human being on earth craves to be appreciated. But in this case it is a personal thing. If you want to be happy and even do more for yourself then you have to appreciate those little efforts you put in achieving your goals. If you do this then you have autamatically push yourself to even do more than what you expected. It is always so encouraging when you notice something good about yourself no matter how small it is. Look around, appreciate every effort, idea, and time you have invested to get to where you are now.

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The list will never end if i want to continue. We have a whole lot of little things which matters and most importantly at some moments in our lives we need to stop and appreciate those little things. To know the usefulness and worth of those little things, try to make them your daily routine, by doing this you will not only value it but it will give you joy. Don't ever look down on those little things that you have or maybe get from people. Being grateful for having them will bring happiness to you and contentment.

Those few things i listed above there are just the little things in my life that matters to me, i have a whole lot of them but time won't permit me to list all of them here. Personally, you have those little things in your life that brings happiness to you, maybe before now you never took them serious. But i will tell you that those little things matters, try to make them a part of your life like adding them to your day-to-day activities.

I will submit by saying that life has provided us with a lot of little ways to create our own happiness. Life won't force us to accept those little things it has given to us, it is in our place to give ourselves the chance to enjoy these little things. A lot of people look down on these simple pleasures, they don't ever want to get connected with it. Don't wish to be among such people, make use of every moment of your life to create happiness with those little things in your life

It's all a matter of choice, it is either you want happiness or not. Like great companies we have today build great things out from scrap, you too can create happiness from the most insignificant things in life. Don't wait until you have the big things life has to offer, because you do, you will never have the time or see the reason to be grateful for the little things you have now in your life.

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Thank you for reading.....

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Avatar for pejudear
2 years ago
Topics: Life, Happiness


Super agree with what you said, simple little things matter and if you learn to appreciate it. Those can cause you to be more mindful and grateful about almost anything in this world including your own life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being able to appreciate little things will help you to be grateful for the bigger things when they finally come.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Only if we can appreciate the little things in our lives and see them as important to us, we would come to enjoy life more than ever. Those little things like the one you mentioned, really matters a lot.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those mentions up there gives me reasons to be happy. I value them more. Little things matters but a very good number of people are not seeing it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago