Life Can Often Look Like a Seesaw

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Balance

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When i was a kid, during playtime at school our teacher will take us out to the school playground. Very few kids do find it difficult to choose from the numerous playground equipments we had in the school, but i that was not a problem to me as i always go for my best, the four seat seesaw. Few kids hated it but i never do, i was always lucky to find other kids who loved to play with it. One difficult thing with the four seat seesaw was how to make it stay balance for some moments. This brought more fun to it, until we grew past that stage of playing in the playground, we were unable to achieve that goal if i may call it like that. We have this park around where i stay, during the evenings, lovers do come around to spend some lovely time there. Some of them get to use the seesaw while having some fun. Most of the time, they try to make the seesaw stay on the same level, which is not always possible.

The same thing applies to life, it can be so difficult to balance it. Having so many responsibilities to take care of can make you have this conviction that your life isn't balance. If you have had the kind of experience i had back then in school, then you will fully understand why i said Life can often look like a seesaw. I had promised myself that each day of this month i will be writing articles without skipping a day, and it's just five days now and i don't have five articles why because i have other things to do, i am a student, i have a small business of my own, i give myself few minutes everyday to meditate, i have friends to visit, phone calls to answer. Just 24 hours in a day and i try my best to meet up with almost all of the tasks, sometimes i picture myself and my life to be that seesaw we have in the playground. No perfect balance, and sometimes i need someone to explain to me what it means to have balance in life and how to achieve it.

Like it was so difficult to achieve balance with the seesaw, it will definitely take quite a long time before one can achieve balance in life as new needs will always will be added to the list everyday. I was on my way to see a friend today, and while in the taxi i over heard two ladies discussing and one of them was telling the other that for some time now she has not really been happy with how her life is going. Friends will always have an advice to give. The other lady calmed her down and was telling her to stop doing the things she doesn't like and start doing the things she likes, that this will bring happiness to her. Their conversation went on until i got to my destination leaving them to continue.

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It was such a nice advice the other friend gave to her friend, but will that really bring balance and true happiness to her? Based on the topic of this article, i am not too convinced that that will bring balance and core happiness to her life. Mind you, i am not saying she gave a bad advice, but i think the best way that lady can get true happiness and balance in her is to do the things which are more important to her. No on will ever advice her to the point of knowing what's important to her, she knows it. Personally, the most important thing to me is spending some quite moment with myself at the end of the day. Every other thing i do and about my life is important, but i wouldn't be complete without the moment i have with myself.

Having the perfect balance in life is not something that happens overnight, it is a gradual process we need to work on to achieve it. Finding balance in life doesn't mean that you do so many things in a way that seems so nice. It could mean doing those things with the whole of your heart even if it looks difficult or small. Finding balance in life could mean seeing positivity in the things that you do, having that confident assurance on your abilities. Balance in life is difficult to achieve, those up and down movement we vet from the seesaw is what the moment while on it great. Same thing with life, those ups and down life throws at us is what makes the journey beautiful. The real success, and growth happens there, we get more wiser and mature. Nothing is impossible if hardwork is involved. To get balance in life is so possible, but before that have a tasteof what it feels like to obtain that balance that we seek, it will give you every reason to value it. Don't forget " Life Can Often Look Like a Seesaw."

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2 years ago
Topics: Life, Balance


Life is full with ups and downs it's very hard to get it on the stable equilibrium. Like it's said it's today's reality and tomorrow an illusion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really the fact Gently

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You got that right. Life is like a seesaw. Its difficult to find balance. But the thing is, going up and down makes a seesaw exciting. So does in life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The ups and down in life is what makes the journey beautiful and interesting to continue.

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2 years ago